Reviews (66)

Joined up thinking is missing

April 14, 2021
Joined up thinking is missing. Communication is poor regarding medication and the reasons for why not all medication can be on repeat prescription. Frustrating and time consuming. Most of the staff are helpful on an individual basis. Not the GP who refused to agree to sign a form so a patient with Dementia could receive a benefit, with no explanation why.

Lack of face to face appointments

September 17, 2020
I called my surgery for a face to face appointment with my GP. The receptionist said they can only give me a telephone appointment and if I need a face to face appointment I should do self-referral to ROH. The surgery needs to understand that there are certain things that can’t be discussed on phone. I am 80 years old and not good with the latest technology.

Surgery has gone down dramatically

February 15, 2020
Have been with this practice for nearly 30 years and it used to be good, but recently - crikey! They let me turn up twice for an 8.15 appointment without bothering to cancel to let me know of staff sickness, and in fact had even sent confirmatory texts. If they can text to remind you of an appointment, would it be so hard to text to say it's cancelled?
This is more than just incompetence, it's positively rude, and no way to treat patients. The final time when I left, in a huff, one of the receptioniists called out 'Byeeeee''
Are doing it deliberately, running the practice down because they are downsizing and selling the big house on Wake Green Road?

Awful. Waiting

April 22, 2019
Phone always engaged - no appointments
No online appts
Sent away with injuries from fall - only deal with one - not both injuries

Appalling - unprofessional, uncaring and negligent

March 22, 2019
Doctor exploded when asked about 2 issues - but in the same area. When asked about a prescribed cream for the problem the doctor snapped that I could buy over the counter. I only had 2 issues because it takes over 2 hours to get through on the phone and then weeks and weeks before you get an appointment.

Very Difficult to Access

January 31, 2019
I would agree with many of the comments on this site. If you can get to see a clinician, the service is very good, however, attempting to access the service is diabolical. Recently, I spent 3 days trying to get through to book an appointment I had received a reminder for. I rang at various times of the day (avoiding early mornings) only to be consistently robotically informed that I was '7th in the queue'. I hung on the phone for over half an hour on 2 occasions, but had to hang up as I work full time and could not hold forever. When I eventually did get through on the third occasion after 40 minutes, I was told they had no appointments to offer anyway! Given this, I am not surprised that the take up of certain screening tests is decreasing as there is no capacity generated even when inviting patients to appointments. I have also experienced the complete lack of confidentiality displayed by some of the reception staff. What amazes me is that, despite access issues being continually raised to this surgery that they appear to have done absolutely nothing about it. If it is necessary to wait such an enormous amount of time to get through, why do they not get more people on the phones??? Although it is possible to get an appointment on the day, this entails you calling at 8:29 and hanging on the phone - I have twice been given the 'only' available appointment at 08:50, so even this is a lottery. Such a shame as the clinical staff are generally good but they are severely let down by their support services and technology.

It’s stressful

November 15, 2018
My husband has a mental health care plan from zinnia centre, and it states ‘please prescribe any medication not prescribed by the zinnia centre’, but the GP refuses to prescribe essential mental health medication. As a result, I here had to queue two hours at zinnia to get essential medication as we can’t afford to run out. I don’t know what’s going to happen next time when we need this medication. It’s stressful.

symptoms Ignored & samples not checked

September 17, 2018
We have family history of Crohns syndrome and my son had symptoms so we asked numerous times to get him referred to specialist, doctor refused. About one year later I called doctor to visit at home as my son was so ill he could not move. Doctor called ambulance straight away and son was taken to hospital and diagnosed with Crohns syndrome. Untreated Crohns can develop into cancer so this was a concern for us. Took my daughter to GP as she had urine infection symptoms. GP gave antibiotics without checking the urine samples I asked GP to check the urine sample but GP just said he doesn’t need to as he can see she has a an infection because my daughter has special needs and lots of other symptoms. I wanted him to check her urine sample but doctor refused. They are too lazy and arrogant to not check samples to be certain

Good service

August 3, 2018
The service itself is very good, it’s just so hard to get a timely appointment!

Reply from Wake Green Surgery

Thank you for your feedback regarding appointments, we are trying to release appointments on the day, up to two days ahead and up to 3 weeks ahead. I will pass your comments back to the partners.

Provider responded

Good Surgery

June 5, 2018
Good Surgery

Reply from Wake Green Surgery

Thank you for the positive feedback I will share this with the team

Provider responded

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Wake Green Surgery


0121 449 0300

7 Wake Green Road
West Midlands
B13 9HD


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