Reviews (66)

They need to sort this out

July 6, 2021
The appointment scheme is by phone everyday at 08.30. If we ring at exactly 8.30am there is always a message saying you are 5th, 10th or even 15th in the queue! the other day I was 15th in the queue and I waited at first patiently, then getting annoyed when after half an hour I was still only halfway to being answered. After another half an hour I was at last 1st in the queue, but then the line cleared down and cut off!. Can you imagine how I felt? I did ring again only to get the message, "There is a queue, you are 15th in the queue......" They need to sort this out, its been like this for ages and they just say they are aware of the problem with the phone system.

Management of the service is poor

June 10, 2021
Individually the doctors are good but the management of the service is poor. Through them, I had my first Pfizer vaccination 14 Jan. By day 83 I'd heard nothing about a second vaccination date so rang them. They said someone would ring back that afternoon but nobody did so I rang next day only to be told they had no vaccination appointments for second dose, didn't know when they would have any and didn't know where I could get one. I tried the CCG and got the same response. NHS England could only book Astra Zeneca appointments. In desperation, I e-mailed the QE who immediately got back to me and gave me an appointment for the following Monday. If I had not thought to do this I would remain without a second dose. I wonder how many others are in the same situation. Surely my GP surgery should have known where to direct me for this second vaccination?

Generally very good

April 27, 2021
Generally very good when you can get through or manage to book an appointment. Recurring medication orders are an issue as they do not turn up at the pharmacy without chasing.

Excellent from start to finish Wake Green Surgery

April 26, 2021
Excellent from start to finish. Now had both of my vaccinations. Efficiently organised by Wake Green Surgery.
Lindsay Coleman

Difficult to Get an appointment. Wake Green Surgery

April 26, 2021
When you actually get to speak to a nurse or doctor the service provided is good but it's practically impossible to get an appointment. The phone has a queuing system and you can easily hold for 45 minutes only to have the call cut off when you finally get down to 'caller number 1'. It's so frustrating and we are seriously considering following the many others who have left the practice.

Good service Wake Green surgery

April 23, 2021
I have had good contact and service from this practice - particularly efficient re contacting me about covid jab.

The admin is not good

April 21, 2021
The doctors are good when you get to see them . The admin is not good

Very difficult to get appointments Wake green surgery

April 18, 2021
Few competent doctors, very difficult to get appointments, no one answers calls, I live 5 min away and have to go to the surgery to ensure I can speak to someone as no one answers the calls, I have been on phones waiting for at least 40 min. Not fair. Also Very poor information, test results need to be chased, need to chase constantly, I hope I don't get ill as I don't trust they will help me.

Poor service Wake Green Surgery

April 17, 2021
Poor service. No face to face appointments.

Very reliable

April 16, 2021
Good : family GP that we have known for many years : very reliable

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Wake Green Surgery


0121 449 0300

7 Wake Green Road
West Midlands
B13 9HD


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