Reviews (66)

Repeat prescription service and wait is dire

December 11, 2017
I have a mental health disability and I have so many problems getting a repeat prescription. The email service was removed (which was awful) and now they have an online system (which is ten times worse). My medication is never ready on time. I can request in surgery but I do work and can't often get there. I have now been told they haven't got my online request. I don't know how the medication can't be automatically requested. I feel like crying. The wait for a GP is ridiculous and getting an appointment if you work is diabolical. Overall the staff are friendly but the service is sadly lacking. I have also had hip pain for years and I'm no nearer a resolution. I never get sent for a scan.

Reply from Wake Green Surgery

I am sorry to hear that you are experiencing problems with the prescription system. In order for us to investigate and improve this service for you it would be useful if you could contact surgery and talk to Katie our patient services manager or Sunny the pharmacist who will investigate your concerns.

Provider responded

Deliberately make access to the practice.

December 5, 2017
Terminated a call after waiting 19mins.
On previous occasions: 17mins/09mins/23mins. Sections of there website deactivated, so as to make there job easier for the practice.
Website so badly designed - very difficult to read - script almost non-existent.
An auto appointments register which completely ignores your arrival login. An appointment made for 11:50am didn't happen. I was eventually seen after two patients had been seen after my turn, at 12:34pm. The Doctor, who apparently knew I'd been missed, chose to attend to patients after my turn.
Subjected to a mindless 'jingle' which plays repeatedly while being kept in a phone queue, only adds to the negative attitude of the caller if he is successful in speaking to someone...!
Peter Hurst

Reply from Wake Green Surgery

I am sorry to hear that you have experienced long periods of waiting on the telephone. We have been experiencing some issues around staffing levels which we are working to resolve.

The web site is currently under review i will share your feedback with current supplier.

We have encountered some problems with the new check in system and have tried to ensure that there is signage to help ensure the process is completed. We hope that when we have resolved the staffing issues we will be able to provide extra support at the check in screen to ensure everyone is happy using it.

Provider responded

Trying to get an appointment causes me stress

November 24, 2017
I have been with this surgery for years and have monthly positive experiences of the care offered - however trying to get an appointment and causes me stress. Health care professionals - asking me if I'm pregnant - PLEASE STOP!!!
Viro Sond

Reply from Wake Green Surgery

I am sorry that you find the appointment system difficult - It is constantly under review. We have various types of appointment available not just face to face and we also have a nursing team with a vast range of skills that can see patients. If you require further information or experiencing difficulties with appointments please talk to Katie our patient services manager who may be able to offer advice or assist in resolving the issue.

Provider responded

good telephone advice

October 2, 2017
great access to same day advice when you don't need an apointment- I have used it twice since registering
organised my prescription when needed

Reply from Wake Green Surgery

Thank you for the positive feedback. It is always good to hear when a service has worked well.

Provider responded


April 13, 2017
They offer the option to speak to GP on the phone, which is great if no appointments available.

Reply from Wake Green Surgery

Thank you for taking the time to leave your positive feedback.

Provider responded

Managed to get to discuss problems

November 10, 2016
Reception did their best and doctor listened well. I had some choices and was offered a nurse follow up

Reply from Wake Green Surgery

Dear Jenny,
Thank you for taking the time to register your comments.Our team is always delighted to receive any positive comments and I will feedback during staff training.
Philippa Daniell.

Provider responded

Not very private but other than that it's good

October 7, 2016
Staff not very good at maintaining patient privacy in reception area however the medical care is always very good.

Reply from Wake Green Surgery

Thank you for taking the time to highlight your concern. We are aware that our building does not facilitate privacy at reception. Nevertheless we have tried to put up appropriate signs to indicate that you can ask to speak in a more private location if you need to. We have also highlighted a need for reception privacy in our building improvement plan. We will consider some temporary measures to help the situation.
We were pleased to note that you were able to make a positive comment regarding your medical care.
If you wish to play a more significant role in shaping practice development you might consider voicing any issues through our Patient Participation Group (PPG) the details are on our website.

Provider responded

Lovely surgery but nightmare getting appointment

September 30, 2016
I have cried in frustration with this surgery trying to get an appointment booked - it is so difficult

Reply from Wake Green Surgery

Dear Anonymous
I am very sorry to learn about your distress as a result of trying to book an appointment. I am sure you are aware there is a widespread problem with the availability of GP appointments. We are constantly trying to respond and change our appointment system to try and help the demand. We are encouraging patients to register for electronic access through the EMIS system and reception could help you with this; you can then book online. In addition you might wish to book a nurse appointment first because often our nurse team can start to offer some preliminary support. Furthermore if you are willing to give the reception team a little more information they are empowered to direct patient demand appropriately. We always have a duty doctor available for queries each day and the team might direct you to receive a call back from that doctor.
If you wish to arrange an appointment to speak with Andrea Fray, one of our managers, she could examine the difficulties and offer more specific explanations or solutions.
We hope your next experience is a better one and thank you again for taking the time to comment.
Philippa Daniell.

Provider responded


April 13, 2016
Thanks, was in a panic but you've calmed me down. The receptionists were kind and got my forms filled in then the doctor checked me over and I just need an xray now but am feeling happier, thanks. Also the nurse who did my blood was chatty and smiley so I didn't panic.
Helena P

Reply from Wake Green Surgery

thank you - it's so nice to receive positive feedback when we've done something well.

Provider responded

Rushed appontments and lack of empathy

February 4, 2016
My recurring condition which is affecting my quality of life has not been further investigated. I feel it has been dismissed and get the impression that they feel I'm wasting their time as the appointments often seem rushed and doctors robotic in their approach.

Reply from Wake Green Surgery

I am sorry to hear you feel like this. Please contact me directly so that your concerns can be addressed. Thank you

0121 4490 300

Provider responded

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Wake Green Surgery


0121 449 0300

7 Wake Green Road
West Midlands
B13 9HD


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