Tackling Inequalities – Everyone’s Battle Everyone’s Business


Healthwatch Birmingham’s response to Birmingham City Council’s draft strategy to drive out inequalities in three key areas.

By Healthwatch Birmingham
2020 Consultations

Commission on Race and Ethnic Disparities in the UK


Evidence from Healthwatch Birmingham presented to the government review ethnic disparities and inequality in the UK, focusing on four areas.

By Healthwatch Birmingham
2020 Consultations

What care and support did Birmingham citizens need during the Covid-19 lockdown?


‘What care and support did Birmingham citizens need during the Covid-19 lockdown?’ examines over people’s experiences of accessing health and social care support in Birmingham during the Covid-19 lockdown.

By Healthwatch Birmingham
Investigations 2020

NHSEI West Midlands: Understanding patients experiences and concerns around access to NHS dental services


Healthwatch Birmingham and Healthwatch Solihull responded to NHSEI West Midland’s call for patient experiences and concerns around access to NHS dental services.

By Healthwatch Birmingham and Healthwatch Solihull
Consultations 2020

Birmingham and Solihull Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust: A guide to our draft Strategy 2020 –2025


This was one of first joint responses with Healthwatch Solihull. In our response, we agreed that the strategy sets ambitious targets for mental health services in Birmingham and Solihull.

By Healthwatch Birmingham and Healthwatch Solihull
2020 Consultations

What challenges do people with sight loss face accessing vision rehabilitation services in Birmingham?


What challenges do people with sight loss face accessing vision rehabilitation services in Birmingham? examines the experiences of individuals who had accessed vision rehabilitation services provided by Birmingham City Council. 

By Healthwatch Birmingham
2020 Investigations

Birmingham City Council: Rough Sleeping – Homelessness Strategy


This consultation came at a time when many changes were taking place in the city in relation to homeless support. 

By Healthwatch Birmingham
2020 Consultations

Academy of Medical Royal Colleges: Evidence-based interventions Wave 2


Our response focused on the potential health inequalities that might result from the implementation of the proposals in the consultation.

By Healthwatch Birmingham
2020 Consultations

NHS England: NHS Community Pharmacist Consultation Service


This consultation gave us an opportunity to share feedback that we have collected through various feedback routes.

By Healthwatch Birmingham
2020 Consultations

Birmingham and Solihull CCG: Review of the Birmingham Boots walk-in centre


The aim of the review was to gather feedback from various stakeholders including patients and the public that would inform decisions about the future of the walk-in-centre.

By Healthwatch Birmingham
2020 Consultations

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