Reports Hub
Latest Reports > 2022

Annual Report 2021-2022
Healthwatch Birmingham is proud to present our annual report for 2021-2022, demonstrating our commitment to tackling health inequalities and our success in improving health and social care services for the people of Birmingham.

People’s views on access to GP services in Birmingham
Examining the experiences of over 2,000 people in Birmingham, this report found evidence of numerous problems for patients trying to access local GP services. It also shows that more deprived areas have poorer access to primary care services, and that people from ethnic minority groups and those with long-term conditions encounter more barriers to care.

Sandwell and West Birmingham NHS Trust 2021/2022
Healthwatch Birmingham statement on Sandwell and West Birmingham NHS Trust’s Quality Account for 2021/2022.

Birmingham Women’s and Children’s NHS Foundation Trust 2021/22
Healthwatch Birmingham statement on Birmingham Women’s and Children’s NHS Foundation Trust’s Quality Account for 2021/22.

Birmingham and Solihull Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust 2021/22
Healthwatch Birmingham and Healthwatch Solihull statement on Birmingham and Solihull Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust’s Quality Account for 2021/22.

University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust 2021/22
Healthwatch Birmingham and Healthwatch Solihull statement on University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust’s Quality Accounts for 2021/22.

Acquired brain injuries
Healthwatch Birmingham’s response to NHS England and NHS Improvement’s call for evidence on care for people with acquired brain injuries.

The Royal Orthopaedic Hospital NHS Foundation Trust 2021/22
Healthwatch Birmingham statement on The Royal Orthopaedic Hospital NHS Foundation Trust’s Quality Account for 2021/22.

Working in partnership with people and communities
Healthwatch Birmingham’s response to NHS England and NHS Improvement’s consultation on its plans for working in partnership with people and communities.

Birmingham Community Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust 2021/22
Healthwatch Birmingham statement on Birmingham Community Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust’s Quality Account for 2021/22.
- Investigations 28
- Impact Reports 16
- Annual Reports 7
- Consultations 73
- 2020 17
- 2019 11
- Quality Accounts 27
- 2018 11
- 2021 19
- 2017 3
- 2016 2
- 2022 32
- 2023 16
- 2024 28
- 2025 1