Latest Reports > Investigations

Access and barriers to NHS Community Pharmacies in Birmingham


This report analyses the experiences of over 500 people who have used NHS Community Pharmacy services in Birmingham.

By Healthwatch Birmingham
2024 Investigations

Experiences of NHS Community mental health services in South and East Birmingham


This investigation analyses feedback from nearly 100 people who had used or tried to access community mental health services provided by Birmingham and Solihull Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust (BSMHFT) in South and East Birmingham.

By Healthwatch Birmingham
2024 Investigations

Experiences of the NHS prostate cancer pathway in Birmingham and Solihull


This investigation examines the views of using screening services, care and treatment and support services for prostate cancer in Birmingham and Solihull.

By Healthwatch Birmingham & Healthwatch Solihull
2023 Investigations

How has the cost-of-living crisis affected the health and wellbeing of people in Birmingham and Solihull?


Healthwatch Birmingham and Healthwatch Solihull investigated if the cost-of-living crisis was having a negative effect on physical and mental health, and whether some local residents were more negatively impacted than others.

By Healthwatch Birmingham & Healthwatch Solihull
2023 Investigations
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Transport support for outpatient appointments at Birmingham Children’s Hospital


This report examines the experiences of service users and their families/carers who took up the offer of help with transport costs from Birmingham Women’s and Children’s Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (BWC).

By Healthwatch Birmingham
2023 Investigations

Maternity services in West Birmingham: The experiences of Black African and Black Caribbean women


Our investigation into maternity services in West Birmingham reveals some of the barriers encountered by Black African and Black Caribbean women during antenatal care, labour and birth, and postnatal care.

By Healthwatch Birmingham
Investigations 2023

Access to Health and Social Care Services in Birmingham


This report summarises feedback heard by Healthwatch Birmingham between April 2021 and March 2022, from people who live and work in Birmingham, about their experiences of health and social care.

By Healthwatch Birmingham
2022 Investigations

Experiences of day opportunity services in Birmingham


Our investigation into day opportunity services for people with disabilities and other needs in Birmingham reveals what service users and their families and carers value about the support they receive, and what they think can be improved.

By Healthwatch Birmingham
2022 Investigations

How easy is it to access NHS dentistry in Birmingham and Solihull?


People in Birmingham and Solihull face severe barriers to getting NHS dental treatment, our investigation into the experiences of over 800 local residents with Healthwatch Solihull reveals.

By Healthwatch Birmingham & Healthwatch Solihull
2022 Investigations

People’s views on access to GP services in Birmingham


Examining the experiences of over 2,000 people in Birmingham, this report found evidence of numerous problems for patients trying to access local GP services. It also shows that more deprived areas have poorer access to primary care services, and that people from ethnic minority groups and those with long-term conditions encounter more barriers to care.

By Healthwatch Birmingham
2022 Investigations

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