Reviews (60)


November 11, 2021

Your partner cannot visit you

November 11, 2021
When u have to go in for a time they send u to the other side of birmingham so your partner cannot visit you we can't afford taxis and you are completely isolated.

Unable to allocate the time needed for you

Mental Health
November 11, 2021
Unable to allocate the time needed for your crisis. Doctor and nurse run rings around you when you are not in the position to get your point across.

Little support

October 26, 2021
The crisis team were supposed to contact me every day but didn’t this made me more anxious because I felt on my own

Poor treatment

October 21, 2021
It is an established fact that the vast majority of adults with ADHD have never been diagnosed or treated, and as awareness grows there are huge numbers of people like me coming to the realisation that it is the reason why they have struggled so much in life. But investment in services has not been increased nearly as much as it needs to and the waiting lists are now in the region of 2 years. I’ve been fortunate to have the means to be seen privately in the interim but many people in the same situation do not.


October 21, 2021

Appalling lack of care

October 7, 2021
Appalling lack of care. Conflict between staff and poor communication between mental health practitioners within integrated care settings resulting in traumatic outcomes.


October 5, 2021
Poor, very long waiting list 2 years now.
M T Varnom

Early help & support is very poor

September 30, 2021
Children with mental health problems are turned away from early help and support is very poor. They chat about it and do nothing but talk,

Lack of support and slow service

September 30, 2021
Lack of support and slow service for autism & ADHA. No trans-inclusive service workers.

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Birmingham and Solihull Mental Health Foundation Trust - Trust HQ


Unit 1
50 Summer Hill Road
West Midlands
B1 3RB


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