Reviews (60)

An autistic adult traumatic experience

Mental Health
August 29, 2019
I was recently diagnosed with autism following a life full of depression and 6 traumatic years with this mental health trust, having been treated intensively by clinicians there whilst failing to diagnose my autism altogether.

During my time with them, I was registered with a number of their services where I met many medical professionals who failed to notice I was autistic.

A few years ago I nearly died, having been made suicidal following a psycholofical treatment there. I was referred to the specialist psychotherapist service at the trust for intensive psychological treatment which I did for the best part of a year before that. The clinician failed to notice my autism and the therapy ended up breaking the precarious balance I had managed to build in my life, leaving me confused, disoriented and in emotionally dysregulation. I became really Ill, sensory, emotionally and my executive functioning was severely distorted. Prior to that in my life, I had suffered with depression and anxiety for being different and not understanding it. Now I suffer with all the symptoms of a CPTSD as a result of the medical trauma for treating me psychologically whilst ignoring my them unsuspected autism and not understanding the way I communicate.

During my breakdown, I could hardly make a sentence or walk. I was covered with physical injuries because I could not coordinate spatially, I stopped any kind of social interaction altogether. I could not remember what day of the week it was.

I was then reassessed for more of the same treatment which I felt I needed because my mental health had deteriorated so profoundly. I returned to the same service at the trust despite the trauma from my previous therapeutic attempt having no other alternatives. It was deemed as appropriate by the trust.

I continued my treatment there whilst feeling severe PTSD symptoms. I could not even begin to explain what these feel like and I live with them to date with no exception. But my symptoms didn't seem to be displaying on the surface which is typical of autistic people before we reach a critical sensory overload. I kept feeling worse whilst the therapist kept making remarks about why I seem to not be improving during much of the treatment.

The therapy ended badly for me. I lost my home, my children who now live with their father because of how Ill I was made during that time. I am too emotionally scarred to allow any person near me any longer as a result. Despite my differences, I used to try to make friendships before and now I cannot.

I was made to feel suicidal by the lack of autism understanding at the adult services ran by the trust. I don't believe they consider autism as a problem resulting in mental health difficulties in female adults entering the services for depression such as I did. My personal experience has been utterly damaging and I feel dehumanised, ignored, disrespected, mistreated and scarred by my experience.

I wish that I knew I was autistic all these years ago with the trust before all my personal suffering but for pointing this out to them, I have only received threats and disregard in return.

The specialist multidisciplinary team who diagnosed me with autism a few months ago also disregarded all the previous diagnosis made by clinicians at the mental health trust but their opinion about this was completely disregarded despite all the years of oblivion regarding my developmental disorder by the clinicians at the trust.

According to my current diagnosis, I should be in the highest proportion or people under suicide threat yet, this trust has offered me nothing but a lack of understanding and more threats for pointing out my issues to them.

I would not encourage any autistic adults in mental health distress using their services. I do not believe that the services are up to scratch, nor do I believe that the mental health trust is committed to caring for autistic patients. I live with the trauma of my care there and I wish it to no other person. I feel victimised for the sheer lack of autism understanding and I had been made to feel that it is my fault for raising awareness about my problems whilst been ignored as if autism is not something that can affect an adult.

Very good event

August 31, 2018
BSMHFT organised a very good event, lovely atmosphere very welcoming and happy place. It was nice to see a good mix of diversity, lovely people to meet, great for networking.

Reply from Birmingham and Solihull Mental Health Foundation Trust - Trust HQ

Many thanks for your kind words. We are really glad you enjoyed the event.

Provider responded

Excellent Service

August 30, 2018
Excellent Service

Great Service

August 30, 2018
Great service

Great Staff

August 30, 2018
Great Staff and services.

Little support for people with LD

August 2, 2018
Went to BSMHFT Northfield centre to be assessed to get support. GP referred me to this service. I was told that I am not eligible for support there. They told me that they can’t treat me because I have a learning disability. I am diagnosed with moderate depressive disorder and I am getting medication for it. They have had to up my medication but I have not received any talking therapy for over 10 months now. My mental health is deteriorating because I am not getting appropriate help. My GP has tried to refer me to alternative services without luck. The only alternative would be to get support from the learning and disability service but I have been treated very badly by them and I am not able to even thinking about going back as its too upsetting. They also don’t have any psychiatric doctors. I just want a female psychiatric doctor.

Reply from Birmingham and Solihull Mental Health Foundation Trust - Trust HQ

We offer a service for mild to moderate conditions through Birmingham Healthy Minds - you or your GP can refer to this service. For more complex or longer term conditions we can take a referral from your GP to our Integrated Community Care and Recovery teams in the community. Having a learning disability should not be an issue but we may need to involve the specialist learning disability team, provided by another NHS Trust in Birmingham. Our Customer Relations team on 0800 953 0045 can take further details from you and investigate this on your behalf. They can liaise with the teams and try to offer a female psychiatrist if appropriate.

Provider responded

I would like more support

April 4, 2018
Sometimes the treatment is working and sometimes it is not. I am seeking treatment, however, I feel if I had more support it would help.
Lee Ratcliffe

Reply from Birmingham and Solihull Mental Health Foundation Trust - Trust HQ

Please contact our Customer Relations team on 0800 953 0045 so that we can discuss the type of support that you would like. Sometimes support needs can be met by our partner agencies. We work closely with local carer support, advice agencies, activity groups, sports groups, advocacy agencies and many more. We also operate a Recovery College with many helpful courses which are co-designed with those who have been through similar experiences.

Provider responded

We don't have a choice!

November 23, 2017
Have suffered severe anxiety/depression, improved recently but still in need of care.

Good things:- CERT Team Visit weekly. CPN/Care co-ordinator in contact fortnightly. I can phone any time and will be called back. Usually the person calling is supportive and helpful. I have a care plan and my medication is managed and reviewed. I feel listened to.

Bad things: - Went to A&E on Sunday. I was told I would be contacted or visited Monday. No contact was made. I phoned at night and nobody phoned back. I phoned again and found that someone had phoned an inaccurate mobile number and had not bothered to phone landline (both numbers were given). I got no contact until Thursday the following week. No care plan offered, I had to insist on getting one. It should be suggested routinely. CERT not available until October due to holidays, sickness and staff shortages. Endless waiting time for psychotherapy!
Barbara Norden

Reply from Birmingham and Solihull Mental Health Foundation Trust - Trust HQ

Thank you for the feedback about the good things that occurred - we will let the team know. Our Rapid Assessment Interface and Discharge team at A&E should contact your regular team to update them of your visit, then your regular team should make contact. We are sorry that this did not happen. Your regular Care Plan should be updated appropriately with particular attention to the Crisis Plan - to help plan ahead and hopefully avoid a crisis, as much as possible. You should be involved in organising your Care and Crisis Plans and be given a copy. If you experience any difficulty in the future, our Customer Relations team operate from 8am to 8pm Mondays to Fridays and can liaise with your team on your behalf.

Provider responded

Not getting proper treatment

Mental Health
September 28, 2016
Since four years I am getting treatments, but my depression and anxiety is worse. I need proper care and help.
Muhammad Ashraf

Reply from Birmingham and Solihull Mental Health Foundation Trust - Trust HQ

We are sorry to hear this. Please make contact with our Customer Relations PALS team on 0800 953 0045 to give us a little more detail. We can look into this for you and provide some options for further support.

Provider responded

Very efficient and friendly staff

July 24, 2014
Lovely across the whole hospital. Very clean.
Alice Dingley

Reply from Birmingham and Solihull Mental Health Foundation Trust - Trust HQ

Many thanks for your kind words. We try hard to make sure that cleanliness is a priority across all our services. I will let our Estates team know.

Provider responded

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Birmingham and Solihull Mental Health Foundation Trust - Trust HQ


Unit 1
50 Summer Hill Road
West Midlands
B1 3RB


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