Reviews (34)

Struggle to get appointments

June 24, 2024
Struggle to get appointments. So I take care of myself as best I can.

Be careful

June 19, 2024
So I was put onto sleeping medication but was also taking other medication along with this I had been taking the meds for weeks then received a call to stop taking them as I could have gone into a coma as one of the medications caused the above issues when taken alongside the sleeping meds very unprofessional I'm currently on a load of different medicines now and don't feel entirely safe that they are looking after me and making sure each different tablet doesn't act negatively with each other I'm also mean to have regular medication reviews and I've not had anything for months this place is putting people's lives at risk and nothing is done about it

A brilliant service.

June 17, 2024
They are miles ahead of my last surgery. They see us quickly and face to face. Brilliant service and were very happy with them.

A bad experience

March 20, 2024
Very bad. Can't get an appointment. It was a bad experience here and stressful.

Very good and helpful GP.

March 20, 2024
Very good and helpful GP. We can get appointments without any problems. The reception team is wonderful and always tried to help.

Unprofessional & Poor Communication

January 12, 2024
To begin with, unless you call at 8am you will not get an appointment. They frequently have only one doctor working which I consider to be a form of fraud given they are required to make a minimum number of appointments available relative to the number of patients registered.
Today they announce that when you call for an appointment you will be send a link to fill in an online form detailing why you want an appointment. Then, a minimum wage numpty will pass judgement as to your right to see a doctor that day. When I’m unwell the last thing I want to do is to jump through pointless hoops, form filling, answering questions especially when the sole purpose of this is to further reduce demand for appointments for the benefit of a doctors surgery whose only motivation is making a profit.
The administration and management of High Street surgery is woefully inadequate and incompetent to point that it may well kill you. I’ve been given prescription medication intended for other patients, I’ve had vital diabetes medication intended for me withheld without contact, explanation or reason.
For some reason they close on a Thursday afternoon and think that in this day and age that’s acceptable because “that’s what we’ve always done” oh and they don’t answer phones at all on Wednesday afternoons.
Absolute joke of a doctors surgery and has been every since it became part of MMP

I can get appointments without any issues.

November 28, 2023
I got an appointment at the diabetic clinic and they see me every 3 months. I can get general appointments with them as well. I have no issues.

Very good

October 31, 2023
Very good. I will give them 5 stars.

I feel it was a waste of time.

October 24, 2023
Being a gold/platinum patients (cancer and over 80 years of age) means when you call they will see mom within 24 hours, but for myself, it pushes me back. The dementia check over the phone was pretty useless. I did get a text about an hour later to say they had found the power of attorney part at the front, as the doctor wasn't aware of it. He was very condescending and doing it to tick a box and they're not actually interested in your answers. As a carer you don't have all of this extra time to be wasted I think what was the point.

Very good surgery.

October 9, 2023
Very good surgery and the GP tries to listen to me in detail and provide the help I need all of the time.

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High Street Surgery (MMP)


0121 373 0086

26 High Street
B23 6RN


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