Reviews (1457)

Parking is a nightmare

March 24, 2023
Parking is a nightmare. Appointment come up quick, first they took pictures and then I came in again.

Reply from Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham

Dear patient

Thank you for taking the time to provide feedback about the Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham – apologies for the delayed response. We are really sorry to hear that you've had problems parking at your recent visit(s).

We are keen to listen to your concerns in more detail to understand more about what has happened and to try to resolve any outstanding issues. If you are happy to do this please make contact with the Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) to provide your details. PALS are here to help and can be contacted by phone 0121 424 0808, by email or by contact form at

Best wishes

James Cunningham

Patient Experience Facilitator at UHB

Provider responded

It’s alright

March 24, 2023
It’s alright, sometimes wait too long but care is fine.

Reply from Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham

Dear Patient

Thank you so much for taking the time to provide feedback about the Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham. We are sorry to hear that sometimes your waits are too long but pleased to hear that your care has been fine.

If you would like to provide any further feedback about your experience please visit the hospital webpage

Best Wishes

James Cunningham

Provider responded

They have good facilities

March 23, 2023
There are two shops. They have good facilities, Costa and canteen. They have a proper café. They have everything at the hospital.

Reply from Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham

Dear Patient

Thank you so much for taking the time to provide feedback about the Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham. We are pleased to hear that you are happy with the facilities we have on site.

If you would like to provide any further feedback about your experience please visit the hospital webpage

Best Wishes

James Cunningham

Patient Experience Facilitator at University Hospitals Birmingham

Provider responded

Just in you go, sit down and wait

March 23, 2023
Wait was long. Just in you go, sit down and wait. Waited for 6 hours. I was running a high temperature and I was sat down in with other Covid. Care wasn’t an issue, its just the waiting that’s an issue.

Reply from Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham

Dear patient

Thank you for taking the time to provide feedback about the Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham – apologies for the delayed response. We are really sorry to hear that your experience with our Emergency Department was not a positive one and you experienced a long wait.

We are keen to listen to your concerns in more detail to understand more about what has happened and to try to resolve any outstanding issues. If you are happy to do this please make contact with the Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) to provide your details. PALS are here to help and can be contacted by phone 0121 424 0808, by email or by contact form at

Best wishes

James Cunningham

Patient Experience Facilitator at UHB

Provider responded

It was helpful

March 23, 2023
Took me there when I had a funny burn. I had to call the ambulance and they took me there. I stayed a few days. It’s such a big hospital and so many members of staff there. But it was helpful when I was there and they didn’t make me feel like I was being a bother.

Reply from Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham

Dear Patient

Thank you so much for taking the time to provide feedback about the Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham. We are delighted to hear that you received such good service when you were here and that staff were so helpful.

If you would like to provide any further feedback about your experience please visit the hospital webpage

Best Wishes

James Cunningham

Patient Experience Facilitator at University Hospitals Birmingham

Provider responded

Just waited a while

March 23, 2023
My father had a bad experience at A&E, he waited for a long time. But when I went there just waited a while, they sorted my eye out when I thought it was more than a scratch.

Reply from Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham

Dear Patient

Thank you so much for taking the time to provide feedback about the Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham. Whilst we are sorry to hear that your father's experience in ED was not a positive one we are pleased to hear that you were seen and treated so quickly at your recent visit.

If you would like to provide any further feedback about your experience please visit the hospital webpage

Best Wishes

James Cunningham

Patient Experience Facilitator at University Hospitals Birmingham

Provider responded


Accident and emergency services
March 22, 2023
Attended A&E 21 March.
Blood on floor, rubbish bins overflowing to the point that rubbish and soiled dressing were spewed around in cubicles, toilets and Subwait areas.
A nurse with her name badge covered, walked around the Subwait area pushing equipment taking blood pressures, temperatures, and recording ALL patients private & confidential medical information on a computer she was pushing round. The screen of this computer was fully visible to everyone, I could read it, I could read patients private medical information, in fact everyone could, we were also privy to qns from the nurse to each & every patient. This was in front of everyone in the Subwait room. She went from one patient to another, each crammed next to the other in this filthy area. This nurse was putting clinical waste into a plastic cup she had picked up from the water fountain area. As she picked up this cup she dropped several cups on the floor, she left them there.
Each time this nurse took a patients temperature she put the clinical waste into the plastic cup (see above).
She took every patients BP, each with difficulty as each patient was so crammed next to the other, desperately trying to removed coat, jumper sleeve etc to expose their arm for the BP sleeve, in effect patients were undressing in front of complete strangers. The same BP sleeve was used on every patient, the nurse made no attempt to clean it or even her own hands. Basic hygiene and respect was non existent.
She approached me & i pointed out her actions were illegal, its a serious breach of the law, that she would have studied "law and nursing" at university, she was wearing a badge that identified Birmingham City University (BCU). I told her her actions would be in breach of nursing regulations. In response she bluntly said, "dont care" and carried on as above.

This hospital's A&E needs to be closed immediately, it is dangerous for patients, the filth, trip hazards, clinical waste spewed over floors, patients sharing cubicles.
It simply not good enough now for the Trust management to continue in post, so mismanaged is this Trust they need to step down immediately.

Reply from Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham

Dear patient

Thank you for taking the time to provide feedback about the Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham – apologies for the delayed response. We are really sorry to hear that your experience with our Emergency Department on the 21st March was not a positive one and you encountered so many concerning issues with cleanliness, confidentiality and staff attitudes.

We are keen to listen to your concerns in more detail to understand more about what has happened and to try to resolve any outstanding issues. If you are happy to do this please make contact with the Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) to provide your details. PALS are here to help and can be contacted by phone 0121 424 0808, by email or by contact form at

Best wishes

James Cunningham

Patient Experience Facilitator at UHB

Provider responded

4 days as in-patient on 620/1

March 20, 2023
Firstly, emergency admission from Breast Clinic, initially to Assessment Unit where I spent 30 uncomfortable, chilly hours on a trolley. Husband not allowed in during this time as told "This is an Assessment Unit, not a ward". Same response when I expressed anxiety re being placed next to a man (watching very loud films on phone and swearing in response) as I understood mixed wards were no longer permitted. Woman across same area was laughing loudly into phone, announcing she had COVID. Very little compassion/care shown when I (obviously very unwell) expressed my anxieties re these issues. A little later, a man was placed on trolley opposite who, due to impossibility of not hearing everyone's intimate details, announced he had taken Viagra. It may have originally been designated an "Assessment Unit" but, while it's clearly being used as a "ward" where patients are vulnerable, spending the night etc., surely these situations are wrong. I felt extremely unhappy and vulnerable. Not staff's fault but something for management/protocols to consider. Staff may be busy but a little understanding wouldn't have gone amiss.
Secondly, even once transferred to a considerably more comfortable "ward" (thank you!), the patient is simply not told anything. Long days not knowing if a doctor is to be seen, treatment given, or if one has simply been forgotten. HCAs, nurses etc seemed unable to give any idea so that there is a permanent state of anxiety as to whether anything is happening or not. Everyone is wandering around with computers so would it not be possible to let the patient know each morning what is due to happen each day? Of course timings are difficult to predict because of obvious difficulties but that wouldn't be necessary, just some certainty that something WOULD happen/you would be seen/examined/ explained to by SOMEONE!
Thirdly, we all know how hard it is to get into hospital - but it felt almost impossible to get out! Told by a doctor at 10.30 a.m. that I could go home, it was nearly 7.30 p.m. before I actually left. Surely a more efficient system could be devised to save wasted space I was taking up etc? I spent nearly 5 hours in (I'm afraid, dreadful) Discharge Ward (what a name!). Bournville, I think? Airless, packed, chairs inches from each other, full of coughing etc, used tissues on the floor. (I asked to open the one window and moved to sit next to it. ) Endless wasted staff time/expertise evident in the form of misunderstood/confused arrangements for transport, prescriptions being brought up by hand from pharmacy, not allowing relatives to collect outgoing patients etc. Surely, with modern technology a prescription could have been sent directly to a local pharmacy, rather than placing further pressure on the hospital pharmacy? Similarly, the iv antibiotics I originally required could possibly have been administered at home vie some kind of GP/district nursing set-up, again sparing hospital beds, staff etc.
I am grateful for my overall treatment and for the care/humanity shown by some staff. I do believe, however, that the communication skills of some staff should be an urgent focus. To be told "Let's wait and see" when asking a nurse if I was actually going to be examined by someone or have treatment today, is surely not appropriate, for example.
Vanessa Johnson

Reply from Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham

Dear Vanessa

Thank you for taking the time to provide feedback about the Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham – apologies for the delayed response. We are really sorry to hear that your experience on the Assessment Unit and then Wards 620/621 has been such a mixed one that you encountered so many issues with communication, information and delays.

It may be that your story would be useful to share with staff more widely as part of training and staff development - if this is something you'd be interested in please make contact with us at

Notwithstanding this we are obviously keen to listen to your concerns in more detail to understand more about what has happened and to try to resolve any outstanding issues. If you are happy to do this please make contact with the Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) to provide your details. PALS are here to help and can be contacted by phone 0121 424 0808, by email or by contact form at

Best wishes

James Cunningham

Patient Experience Facilitator at UHB

Provider responded

I have CM, can't speak too neurologist receptionist

March 20, 2023
Ive great concern loss of weight sleeping eating , paralysis feeling it in limbs ,left side wasting faster than right osteoporosis means eating ,chewing painful, was told if I felt infection of cord come straight in. I keep being relayed too a secretary, who repeating answer is get gp too refer , yet QE CLINIC have never checked me i.e degenerative bowels bladder diaphragm wastage severe spasticity and more, yet they destroyed my function and any quality of life through 2 spine ops that made things worse and now 18yrs on ive never had a proper diagnosis for conditions or side effects of operation and refusing too checked spine signal, as I feel dementia or neurons signal abnormal(simple word for rare agonising result of abnormal signa)l. Legs are very weak and give way if I put weight(anorexic) on one especially left. 2 severe pains run from groin too heart on left under ribs on right and cant ever relax, q e advertise treatment and have never called me in with alternatives for pain cognitive abilities and ive periods being on my own and falling, I believe fusion plate screws are or have been effected by falls. I was told I had no choice but too have neck op has never been checked it left me in agony as transit of food gets stuck behind lumber section, they only check successful ops, and ignore ones that went wrong.
D. Langton

Reply from Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham

Dear D.Langton

Thank you for taking the time to provide feedback about the Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham – apologies for the delayed response. We are really sorry to hear that your experience has not been a positive one and that you've had so many issues confirming a diagnosis and getting information.

We are keen to listen to your concerns in more detail to understand more about what has happened and to try to resolve any outstanding issues. If you are happy to do this we'd strongly suggest if you haven't already please make contact with the Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) to provide your details. PALS are here to help and can be contacted by phone 0121 424 0808, by email or by contact form at

Best wishes

James Cunningham

Patient Experience Facilitator at UHB

Provider responded

Reported issue before. Now understand.

March 19, 2023
I understood that cataracts removed due to opacity. I did not know that lens gets larger with age, and my right one is extra large and may block eye's internal drainage when pupils are dilated for examination. The laser holes in iris are also to prevent any blockage until the lens can be removed. The possible bleed and need to redo the holes are rare - though redoing the holes might be necessary if depending on them for a few years.

Reply from Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham

Dear Patient

Thank you so much for taking the time to provide feedback about the Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham. We hope that your recovery from cataract surgery is proceeding well.

If you would like to provide any further feedback about your experience please visit the hospital webpage

Best Wishes

James Cunningham

Provider responded

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Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham


Mindelsohn Way
B15 2WB


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