Reviews (75)

They see him quicker

February 27, 2024
They have not been regularly involved in the care with my son but he sometimes gets a rash and because of his behaviour and being on the floor they will sometimes see him for that.

Seen straight away.

February 27, 2024
I couldn't get a GP appointment so had to go here. They saw him straight away. I called them and they said he could go straight down which was good.

A wonderful GP

February 20, 2024
My GP is wonderful. Always helps us and keeps in contact with us on the phone due to my husbands special condition.

Received wrong care.

February 19, 2024
I went there and they said I would be seen and treated by a GP and I shouldn't have been.


February 12, 2024
They were fantastic. They basically told me to go straight to a GP and they told my GP and got the ball rolling for the treatment I needed. They told me I didn't need physio. I needed further treatments.

Very good

February 12, 2024
Very good and polite behaviour.

3 hour wait

February 7, 2024
I waited 3 hours the last time I went there. There were at least 50 patients waiting to be seen. 3 hours is too much.

I didn't have to wait too long.

February 7, 2024
I ended up passing out and the GP told me to go to the urgent care as there were no GP appointments. They did blood tests and I was told I needed to go to hospital. I was sent to another part of the centre where I didn't have to wait too long. The podiatry service here are also brilliant.

Referred and treated my daughter

January 23, 2024
My daughter had an infection in her eyes. I took her to urgent care and they referred her to the Children's and also provided medication.

Over crowded and dirty

January 4, 2024
I went there and waited for 3 hours before seeing the GP. The place was over crowded and toilets were dirty. They didn't even have a water dispenser.

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Summerfield Urgent Care Centre

Service provided by Virgin Care


0121 389 1120

134 Heath Street
Winson Green
B18 7AL


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