Pharmaceutical needs assessment


Healthwatch Birmingham and Healthwatch Solihull’s response to Birmingham City Council and Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council’s joint survey of pharmacy provision in the region.

By Healthwatch Birmingham & Healthwatch Solihull
2022 Consultations

Clinical genomics service


Healthwatch Birmingham’s response to NHS England’s clinical genomics service specification consultation.

By Healthwatch Birmingham
2022 Consultations

Down’s Syndrome Act guidance


Healthwatch Birmingham’s response to the Department of Health and Social Care’s call for evidence around the Down Syndrome Act 2022 guidance.

By Healthwatch Birmingham
2022 Consultations

Ambulance dataset survey


Healthwatch Birmingham’s response to NHS England’s plans to improve the sharing of patient data around access to ambulance services.

By Healthwatch Birmingham
2022 Consultations

Support following discharge


Healthwatch Birmingham’s response to Birmingham City Council’s consultation on support provided for people following discharge from hospital or rehabilitation bed.

By Healthwatch Birmingham
Consultations 2022

Access to Health and Social Care Services in Birmingham


This report summarises feedback heard by Healthwatch Birmingham between April 2021 and March 2022, from people who live and work in Birmingham, about their experiences of health and social care.

By Healthwatch Birmingham
2022 Investigations

Impact report: Better mental health support for children and young people in Birmingham


Following engagement with service users, their families/carers and Healthwatch Birmingham, Forward Thinking Birmingham (FTB) has made a number of important changes to mental health support for children and young people in Birmingham

By Healthwatch Birmingham
2022 Impact Reports

Experiences of day opportunity services in Birmingham


Our investigation into day opportunity services for people with disabilities and other needs in Birmingham reveals what service users and their families and carers value about the support they receive, and what they think can be improved.

By Healthwatch Birmingham
2022 Investigations

How easy is it to access NHS dentistry in Birmingham and Solihull?


People in Birmingham and Solihull face severe barriers to getting NHS dental treatment, our investigation into the experiences of over 800 local residents with Healthwatch Solihull reveals.

By Healthwatch Birmingham & Healthwatch Solihull
Investigations 2022

Birmingham and Solihull Dementia Strategy 2022-2027


Healthwatch Birmingham and Healthwatch Solihull’s response to the Birmingham and Solihull Integrated Care System’s (BSol ICS) strategy to improve care for people with dementia.

By Healthwatch Birmingham & Healthwatch Solihull
2022 Consultations

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