Reviews (110)

Wanted to do an assessment over the phone

November 18, 2022
The occupation therapy team said they'd come out to assess my daughter with autism and they said because of covid they'd have to do it over the phone. A while later the nurse came out and said that the home was not suitable for my daughter.

Social workers fob you off

October 11, 2022
I have learning difficulties, so I was given a social worker, they took me to one place and didn't stay with me to help me. It's not easy to get hold of them either. I suffer with depression. When I do get in touch, they fob you off.

It's alright

October 6, 2022
The day centre is alright. I like painting and colouring. I like mixing with everyone.

I like meeting people here

October 6, 2022
I come three times a week. I like doing drawing and colouring. I like meeting people here at the day centre.

I like coming here

October 5, 2022
I like it at the day centre, I like all my friends. I like painting and colouring.

I like doing activities

October 5, 2022
I like doing activities at the day centre, like football, cricket, and doing keep active with the parachute and bean bags

I like the activities

October 5, 2022
I like reading and writing and shredding paper at the day centre

I do helpful jobs

October 5, 2022
I do a lot of helpful jobs like office tasks and I take pictures and I like going on the iPads at the day centre

I like it here

October 4, 2022
I like coming all the time. I like my friends. I like the games, skittles, keep fit. I help set it up on the telly, I play the drums.

I like meeting different people

October 4, 2022
I like meeting different people. I like all of the activities, bingo, quiz's and quiz's, I also like the staff.

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Birmingham City Council Adult Social Care


0121 303 1234

PO Box 16476
B2 2AP


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