Reviews (110)

Social worker's working remotely

September 3, 2021
Social workers have worked remotely at home throughout the entire pandemic. I believe this impacts directly on patient care and nursing resources.

Had no response at all

June 16, 2021
Last year when trying to get help for my mother with heart failure and worsening dementia , had no response at all from adult social services when contacting them , and when she was in hospital we waited Weeks for a social worker to contact us about her going into care , then Mom would be medically unfit by time something sorted ended up getting COVID in hospital and died without any family around . I don’t feel it is right for people to wait weeks for a response it would speed hospital discharge and help struggling families.
Prize Draw Data

Contacted service regarding available support

April 30, 2021
Mother has Advanced Dementia and contacted service regarding available support.

Emphasis is not on me

April 30, 2021
The emphasis is on how expensive me and my care package are not on me and how I could actually contribute if I was given the right support.

No substitute provided

April 29, 2021
Ebrook Day Centre was closed over a year ago. Very little substitute service has been provided in its place. From a users point of view, it has left a gaping hole in coping with the global changes endured by everybody. From their point of view it has been life changing and yet adult social care has just seen everything from providers point of view and been concerned with material matters like cleaning, etc.
Allan Gilbert


April 29, 2021
Home care delivered was supportive it was very much person-centered and need-based. It involved both social and health care which was co -jointed and collaboratively planned and delivered. It took into consideration me the carer's views. A particular feature of the care delivered was that it targeted the needs and priorities of the user along the care and support pathway along the stages of the dementia and alzhiemers condition of the patient
J. Emerson Jones

Shockingly slow

April 29, 2021
Shockingly slow in any response and you have to constantly chase them up.

Very unhelpful

April 29, 2021
Very unhelpful and unsympathetic


April 29, 2021
In a word terrible.
G H Lea

Direct Payments Issue

April 27, 2021
Direct Payments Issue, Not able to have a contact that you can get answers from Duty officer is different every time.

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Birmingham City Council Adult Social Care


0121 303 1234

PO Box 16476
B2 2AP


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