Reviews (61)

Would prefer paper letters to text messages

December 13, 2022
Repeat prescriptions at the doctors, the names are tricky and hard to understand what's on the forms, and I would like help with filling out the forms. I would prefer letters to come to my house and not on my phone as I can miss them easily. My daughter will help me read them.

They are good

November 28, 2022
They are really good, if you exaggerate you get an appointment.

Both face to face and telephone appointments

September 14, 2022
Generally not too bad. Can get phone calls or face to face appointments and have sometimes got me in the same day.

It's useless to go there

May 9, 2022
I sprained my ankle a year ago and still they have not done anything - no X-rays or any referral. I am still in pain but its useless to go there.

Good support previded

May 9, 2022
They have provided good support for my son who has special needs.

There were no queues

January 12, 2022
My surgery is Iridium practice and each of the 3 times I went for vaccination, there were no queues. Literally in and out within 5 mins. (Aside from the 15 min waiting time after the jabs). All in all, a good experience and for me personally, no issues with either the jabs or the surgery and it’s staff.

Very easy

January 12, 2022
Very easy. Had my first 2 jabs (Pfizer) at my surgery with an appointment. Then received txt from surgery to say come along to walk-in to get the booster jab. All 3 were pain free and luckily enough, suffered no side effects. (Apart from a sore arm for a couple of days).

Covid booster jab

December 15, 2021
I attended a walk-in session for Covid-19 booster vaccines this week. People were called into three consulting rooms, meaning the queue was dealt with extremely quickly. The staff were also attentive and friendly.

Booked appointments cancelled

December 1, 2021
Booked appointments cancelled without any communication. Assurance that you are on the list to be called but phonecall never takes place. Incorrect information provided regarding blood results. Able to book appointments online with an allocated time slot, time changed based on interpretation by surgery without discussing with patient. Limited support from surgery to obtain an appointment for working patients.

Covid changes impact negatively

November 17, 2021
Since the pandemic the services have reduced and it appears not been reduced. Service is discriminatory- if u are without a smart phone ( often elderly, poor), without knowledge of tech (older, disabled)want a confidential service ( in a domestic violent situation) or work (not available all the time) then this surgery is not suitable for u and sadly that fits most of us. No 1-1 appointments , yet they will ask u to go in to take things in if they want them. Call back system has no times so expectation is u are available all day, they don’t do video so u have to send photos which for many is difficult. Online system if u can use it is not effective it’s complicated and only for far in advance. They need to review their whole system and think about the patients experience.

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Iridium Medical Practice


0121 241 5025

Richmond Primary Care Centre
299 Bordesley Green East
West Midlands
B33 8TA


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