Reviews (80)

Sometimes easy to get appointment

July 3, 2023
I see the community midwife there, there are no long waits there it is good. Sometimes it is very easy to get an appointment but sometimes it is not, it depends on the doctor.

No problems, Staff are good and nice

June 20, 2023
They're good. I see the midwife there. I don't have any problems getting appointments either. The staff are good, they're nice.

Saw quickly and quick referral

June 5, 2023
I rung up and explained the problem. I went into my surgery and spoke to the receptionist and she said someone would call back. A paramedic called me back just after I'd left the surgery and told me to come back, they looked at me and then got a doctor to look at me too and then they said I needed to be referred to a hospital, which took 8 days.

Difficult to make appointment - good doctor

May 24, 2023
Very difficult to get a appointment. You can wait a couple of weeks for an emergency appointment. The doctor is very helpful to me and I like to see a particular doctor and always get the appointment for that particular doctor.

They are brilliant

January 23, 2023
They are brilliant. Can get appointments, can get through to reception. They are offering telephone conversations with face to face if needed and I can access them online, If I need an appointment.

Happy with them

December 20, 2022
Happy with them, can get appointments. Sometimes can be 10 or 11 in the queue and sometimes number 1. I have to wait 2 weeks for an appointment.


November 30, 2022
Amazing, best doctors I've ever been to. They're really responsive and I can get appointments easily.

Can get appointments

November 28, 2022
I googled and registered with my local practice. Managed to get appointments. I can get face to face appointments as well as speaking to them on the phone.

Quite satisfied & happy

October 18, 2022
Quite satisfied & happy with the service provided.

Must have tried 1000 times on phone

September 29, 2022
Very difficult to get in touch with GP’s, must have tried 1000 times on phone.

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Karis Medical Centre


0844 477 3165

The Karis Medical Centre
Waterworks Road
West Midlands
B16 9AL


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