Reviews (52)

No appointments at all.

June 17, 2024
No appointments at all. It's impossible to see your doctor. Very poor service delivery.

Very good doctors.

June 4, 2024
The doctors are very good.

GP is great with mental health

March 18, 2024
Our doctors are great with mental heath. I think they are all trained in counselling.
Teresa Muhim

The new appointment system is a hassle.

March 6, 2024
My major concern is when I call for an appointment they send me a form to my email or phone number and I have to fill it in before I can get an appointment. You just have to wait and everything seems to have changed. I rarely visit the GP because of the hassle I have to go through to be able to even get to have an appointment or a conversation with the GP.

4 months waiting for scan results.

January 2, 2024
I phoned my GP to refer me onto the hospital. They said if I don't hear anything from them by a certain time to contact the hospital. I waited a long time for the results from my scan and every time I called they said they didn't have the results. This went on for four months and then I was finally referred.

Getting an appointment is an uphill task

October 31, 2023
They are good all of the time but getting an appointment is an uphill task.

Excellent support

October 23, 2023
I was with them for years. Excellent support provided. I only changed because they were quite far from where I live.

They send texts to book blood tests.

October 16, 2023
The GP helped me a few months ago. They couldn't give me medication and said I would need to see the psychiatrist. In general they are quite good. If I need an appointment I would go in at 8am and usually get one. I get a text to arrange blood tests and they will send results over text if needed.

Some are more helpful than others.

October 16, 2023
It depends who you get. Some are more helpful than others. The receptionists are wonderful. Some of the doctors aren't all that helpful. They're a bit offish. I try not to see them.

Good GP. I feel listened to.

October 10, 2023
Good GP. They see my son whenever he needs an appointment. Always good at giving advice and always feel listened to.

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Kings Norton Surgery


66 Redditch Road
Kings Norton
B38 8QS


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