Reviews (80)

Long wait to get an appointment.

October 2, 2023
Long wait to get an appointment even when it's urgent.

No appointments when I ring.

October 2, 2023
No appointments when I ring up. No appointments, surgery is dealing with lots of calls. They say you can only ring up for palliative care or children and can only ring after 10am for meds and other enquiries. They don't want you to go into surgery but in the end they invited me into the surgery as they wanted to check on me for tablets I was taking. When you have blood tests they say if you don't hear anything to presume it's okay. To get any information is very difficult.

Hard to get an appointment

August 30, 2023
Hard to get an appointment even for kids. They don’t answer or offer alternatives. It’s not good.

Can take up to 3 weeks to get an appointment.

July 26, 2023
It can take up to three months to get an appointment. My daughter has chronic hay fever. I call and I'm 70th in the queue and can never get through. Get through finally at 8:06am and there are no appointments left. My daughter needs hay fever tablets, a stronger prescription. I also take medication for my asthma, and the tablets are not on repeat even though I've been on them for years. They get the information wrong. The service could be a lot better and more organised.

It’s Okay

July 11, 2023
It’s Okay. Very hard to get an appointment with doctor. Receptionist not very good. doctor will call back and either say to come in or will tell you to rest, doesn’t give medication.

Not good

July 5, 2023
Not good. when I was pregnant they would give me medication because my blood was O-Negative. But I feel they don’t care.

I just need to speak to a Dr or Nurse

June 7, 2023
They're awful. They're so difficult. It shouldn't be that difficult to get appointments. Like if I'm sick, I just need to speak to a doctor or nurse, anyone. I don't need the stress, it's too much. And the staff are good when I see them, it just takes too long.

Need to cut down their number of patients

June 2, 2023
They were good, but there were long waits and it was long calling them. You'd call them at 8am and then there are no appointments. They need to change or look into cutting down their number of patients.

Can't get an appointment with the same Dr

June 2, 2023
I've been there a long time. They go by numbers in the queue but you do get an appointment which is not always with the same doctor. It changed when covid happened. I go for my diabetic review every 6 months. That's fine.

Difficult to get an appointment at surgery to

May 14, 2023
Make a call to see a GP, no appointment after 1 hour,had to call 111,to get appointment

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Laurie Pike Health Centre


0121 250 0370

2 Fentham Road
West Midlands
B6 6BB


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