Reviews (80)

They are okay

May 11, 2023
They are okay. Can see GP face to face and can get prescriptions. I have no issues with them.

Hard to get an appointment, app hard to use

April 6, 2023
It's been a big mess for the past 2 to 3 years. You can only make an appointment over the phone, then you can't go into the practice to make an appointment. You can wait 2 hours for someone to call back and then sometimes they don't call back at all. They have an app which is too hard to use and you can put in too many symptoms and says to call NHS 111 or you put in too little symptoms and it says someone will get back to you in a couple of weeks. When they do pick up and you ask for an appointment for a child under 5, they will try to find you one.

Have no chance of getting an appointment

April 5, 2023
Impossible to get an appointment, they prioritise under 5's in an emergency. But otherwise you can call and and be 200 in the queue at 8am and you have no chance of getting an appointment. I'd rather deal with my illnesses myself.


January 27, 2023
Disgraceful. Never get through by 8am, can guaranty you don’t get one. Stand outside the surgery and they may give you an appointment.

Doctors no longer uphold autonomy

December 1, 2022
To get an appointment is practically impossible, it's everything really. They're not doing what they're supposed to be doing. There's no communication between services, doctors are no longer autonomous. In the old days doctors used to uphold autonomy. It's so difficult to get through and when you do get through, they can't answer your questions. I just don't go as frequently as I should.

Horrible phone service and clueless reception

November 14, 2022
Laurie pike as a GP surgery has deteriorated and gone way downhill. For an appointment calling them is a joke. You have to go there even when sick to get an appointment to speak to the doctors. It seems they play as who they want to see and who they don't. The place needs a complete overhaul of services and it's workers.

Cannot get through to get an appointment

November 4, 2022
Required to call at 8am, even when you do this you may be 30/40+ in the queue. Call automatically disconnects after an hour on hold requiring you to repeat the process.
If at any point you manage to get through, you are then told all appointments have gone try again tomorrow.
I no longer call the surgery and hope my health does not deteriorate as hope is all that is left. The former Dr would be ashamed to have his name associated with this (non)practice

Quick referral process

October 7, 2022
Daughter tried ringing a few times for an appointment and got one straight away. They then referred her to Good Hope Hospital quite quickly. Getting an appointment is where the issue lies.

Long waiting time for appointment

October 7, 2022
Waiting long times, never get appointments, all the appointments are full, they tell me to ring back or use the online service but I can't. All the appointments are gone by 10am.

Can get same day appointments

October 6, 2022
They're good. The waiting list in the morning takes a bit of patience. When I do get through I do get appointments on the day and they're face to face or over the phone.

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Laurie Pike Health Centre


0121 250 0370

2 Fentham Road
West Midlands
B6 6BB


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