Reviews (1294)

Very long wait

Accident and emergency services
January 10, 2019
Waited for 20 hours to get a bed (8pm Sunday – 5pm Monday). Was able to get some refreshments, because my dad knew where it was from a previous visit otherwise they don’t tell you. No visual aid for people with visual problem. If you had a hearing problem you would have to let them know. They could put a sign for people to know how to do this. There are not enough staff and waiting times are long. There is a shortage of everything – Doctors, beds, other staff, and nurses. Compared to other hospitals.

Reply from Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham

Thank you for taking the time to provide feedback about the Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham. We are sorry to hear the concerns you have regarding the care and treatment you have received. Senior hospital staff are keen to understand more about your concerns so that they can investigate what has gone wrong and take any necessary action. For this to happen, please make contact with the Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS). PALS are here to help and can be contacted by phone 0121 371 4400, by email, via the hospital website or in person by dropping in between 9am – 5pm (Mon-Fri) to the PALS office located near the Information Desk in the main entrance of the new Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham.

Provider responded

Need care close to where I live

Cancer services
January 10, 2019
I have been coming here for 12 months. Use to be a patient of another hospital but they have sent us here. Don’t know when we will go back to the other as its closer. Waited longer at there rather than here. I had enough info when I first attended. The other hospital used to deliver medication but here I would have to come back tomorrow because there is no parking near to the new building. I have a bad knee so can’t walk there. So tomorrow have to get on the bus because it drops me right outside the pharmacy at the hospital. The doctors and hospital is brilliant.

Reply from Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham

Thank you for taking the time to provide feedback about the Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham. We are delighted to hear about the care and treatment you have received, and also to receive your comments and suggestions. Your feedback has been shared with senior hospital staff to share with their teams. If you would like to provide any further feedback about your experience please visit the hospital webpage

Provider responded

Its Hard for people with hearing Impairment

Cancer services
January 10, 2019
You think that they would give you a number and you could see it on the screen. I am a bit deaf. In a busy place like this it would make a difference because you do not know when you are being called. Physical structure, seats are enough and toilets are available. Refreshments does not bother me, I can bring food and drinks from home. Time does not matter to me. I have plenty of time. I would hate to miss my appointments, I know other people worry about that but I would rather wait.

Reply from Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham

Thank you for taking the time to provide feedback about the Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham. We are delighted to hear about the care and treatment you have received, and also to receive your comments and suggestions. Your feedback has been shared with senior hospital staff to share with their teams. If you would like to provide any further feedback about your experience please visit the hospital webpage

Provider responded

Always treated courteously at QE

Cancer services
January 10, 2019
I have been to QE a number of times over the past 4 years. Always treated courteously and only once had a delayed appointment. Attended every six months originally but since last 2 years only annually.

Reply from Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham

Thank you for taking the time to provide feedback about the Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham. We are delighted to hear about the care and treatment you have received, and also to receive your comments and suggestions. Your feedback has been shared with senior hospital staff to share with their teams. If you would like to provide any further feedback about your experience please visit the hospital webpage

Provider responded

The hospital staff are great

January 10, 2019
There is Lack of food, at least have some sandwiches or soups. I am hungry but nothing there to eat, traveled from far. Drinks section is good but opens quite late after 9 am. The hospital staff are great. In terms of the infrastructure, there is enough toilets & seats, it’s fairly clean. There could be more water stands, wheelchairs because sometimes due to waiting people are fatigued.

Reply from Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham

Thank you for taking the time to provide feedback about the Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham. We are delighted to hear about the care and treatment you have received, and also to receive your comments and suggestions. Your feedback has been shared with senior hospital staff to share with their teams. If you would like to provide any further feedback about your experience please visit the hospital webpage

Provider responded

Its good & I have recommend it to others

Cancer services
January 10, 2019
I haven’t really had any problem, have visited different departments over the year, I am a patient with liver, urology dept so visit the hospital quite often. Physical structures are great – I have recommend it to others. With A & E the waits are quite long but I still strive to come here. You are normally told where to sit, so that you are close to the doctor you are seeing but there are times when you are called from faraway that can be difficult but no real issues. More water machines available. There is a free drinks place. I was not aware of this. I have always gone to Costa. I have a problem with my hearing so if I was here on my own wouldn’t hear. If you have a family member then you are ok.

Reply from Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham

Thank you for your 5 star rating of the Emergency Department (ED) at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham. We are delighted to hear about the excellent care and treatment you have received. Your kind words have been forwarded to senior staff responsible for this department to share with their team members. Feedback like this is greatly valued as staff love to hear they have made such a positive difference. We also note your comments about the waiting times and the difficulties some patients might face in hearing when they are called. These comments have been shared with senior ED staff. If you would like to provide any further feedback about your experience please visit the hospital webpage

Provider responded

Let people know that you are running late.

Ear Nose and Throat
January 10, 2019
My appointment was at 10.30 am and I came at 10.05 am but have not been called. I think many people were given same time to come. I suffer from Glaucoma and have been waiting for over 2 hours. The reason has to be that they are overbooked and are understaffed. I have to ask the receptionist myself. I don’t think they have the time to let people know that they are running late. The consultant is busy and so are the receptionist. In terms of the physical environment, I find that everything is sufficient and or a good standard.

Reply from Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham

Thank you for taking the time to provide feedback about the Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham. We are sorry to hear the concerns you have regarding waiting times to be seen in the Outpatient department at the hospital; your feedback has been shared with senior hospital staff. If you would like to discuss your concerns in more detail please make contact with the Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS). PALS are here to help and can be contacted by phone 0121 371 4400, by email, via the hospital website or in person by dropping in between 9am – 5pm (Mon-Fri) to the PALS office located near the Information Desk in the main entrance of the new Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham.

Provider responded

Advise people what the delay is

January 10, 2019
I have been waiting for a long time before. They are sometimes calling people and when no one responds, they call the next person. They do not check whether you have gone to the toilet. Tell people what they need to do when they go the toilet. They lose a spot. Then you have to wait more. I have not had lunch or a drink.
There are means of dealing with it i.e. call them to see where they are. People are on medication etc. Simple things that are easy to address. Advise people what the hold is. My appointment was at 10.15am. Don’t know how long I am going to be. Can’t plan around work. I just want to know how long I am going to wait.

Reply from Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham

Thank you for taking the time to provide feedback about the Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham. We are sorry to hear the concerns you have regarding waiting times to be seen in the Outpatient department at the hospital; your feedback has been shared with senior hospital staff. If you would like to discuss your concerns in more detail please make contact with the Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS). PALS are here to help and can be contacted by phone 0121 371 4400, by email, via the hospital website or in person by dropping in between 9am – 5pm (Mon-Fri) to the PALS office located near the Information Desk in the main entrance of the new Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham.

Provider responded

After having surgery developed sepsis.

General Surgery
January 9, 2019
I was admitted to QE hospital to have a Parotidectomy to my right cheek on 4th December, my operation was done and I was taken to ward 408 room 13. I was recovering from surgery and within 2 days I developed sepsis, my temperature was 40 degrees plus for two days, my body particular hands and feet became very swollen and unable to move due to severe pain and swelling. I was in and state due to pain and temperature and seeing horrible things. Because my body was so swollen and I still had compression socks on a nurse tried to remove them but they were so tight that she had difficulty so instead of cutting them off she pulled very hard causing me pain and then within no time I developed serious blisters to heels on both sides due to friction burns( in my opinion) . My right heels was the worst affected, I am now 5 weeks post surgery and my right heels has still not healed and I've had antibiotic treatment both orally and topically.
My experience at the QE on this occasion was awful, not because of the sepsis because the doctors and nurses worked hard to get me better, but I felt that because the wards are so big and there is not enough nurses and ancillary staff. The nurses didn't have the time to have much empathy, I felt that they worked very hard but like robots because they now use the push around computers and answer all the questions but not observing the patient enough.
This was my fourth surgery for cancer in the last 12 years, I've had surgery at City Hospital for Gynae surgery, and Bowel surgery. Heartlands Hospital for lung surgery where I feel I've been well looked after. However this experience at the QE was awful I believe due to lack of staff in such a massive area.
Even down to being given cups of tea they were few and far between and meals were served sometimes by nurses because lack of staff.
Trudy Raybould

Reply from Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham

Trudy, thank you for taking the time to provide feedback about your experience of the Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham. We are sorry for the delay in responding to your feedback that was delayed coming through to us via Healthwatch. We are also sorry to hear about the negative experience you have had during your hospital stay. Senior staff are keen to listen to your concerns in more detail so that they can investigate what has gone wrong and take any necessary action. Should you wish to discuss your concern further please make contact via the Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS). PALS are here to help and can be contacted by phone 0121 371 4400, by email, via the hospital website or in person by dropping in between 9am – 5pm (Mon-Fri) to the PALS office located near the Information Desk in the main entrance of the new Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham.

Provider responded

Good communication

December 19, 2018
I have had a kidney transplant here, very happy for all the help, support provided. They talk to you and listen to you. Good communication is there, which is a plus point.

Reply from Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham

Thank you for taking the time to provide feedback about the Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham. We are delighted to hear about the excellent care and treatment you have received. Your kind words have been forwarded to senior hospital staff to share with their team members. Feedback like this is greatly valued as staff love to hear they have made such a positive difference. If you would like to provide any further feedback about your experience please visit the hospital webpage

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Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham


Mindelsohn Way
B15 2WB


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