Reviews (1638)

Waiting over a year

December 23, 2022
Waiting over a year for an appointment, ring up every month and they say not yet.

Reply from Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham

Dear patient

Thank you for taking the time to provide feedback about the Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham. We are really sorry to hear that your experience has not been a positive one and that you are still awaiting an appointment.

If you still haven't received an appointment please call the Booking Centre on 0121 371 7070 or Email: and hopefully the team there can assist you.

Best wishes
Nicky Beecher
Patient Experience Manager UHB

Provider responded

Bit of grievances for me

December 23, 2022
I’ve been once and thought never again. Its not very well designed. Buildings can have views of just other buildings and not greenery. You don’t see what’s going on. Design was not very thought about and they didn’t think about the patients. Bit of grievances for me.

Reply from Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham

Dear Patient,
Thank you for your feedback following your visit to the Queen Elizabeth Hospital.
If you would have any concerns regarding your care or treatment, or would like to share any other feedback with us directly please get in touch with the Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) to provide your details. PALS are here to help and can be contacted by phone 0121 424 0808, by email or by contact form at
Best wishes
Nicky Beecher
Patient Experience Manager UHB

Provider responded


December 21, 2022
I known the NHS is being bludgeoned lately, but the Hospital doesn't seem to help itself.

There's the usual awful state in general, but one nurse at A&E;
-no name badge
-hair below cuff
-inappropriate ring
-did not wash hands inbetween patient contact
-did not clean cuff in-between patient contact
-did not introduce herself
-was rude to patients
-took all the readings literally in front of the door
-made no attempt to help patients who were clearly struggling (e.g. one woman with mobility issues asked where she should put her rubbish and the nurse made no effort to help)
-mask half way down face

Honestly wouldn't be surprised if she wasn't a nurse

Reply from Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham

Dear Patient,
Thank you for your feedback following your visit to the Emergency Department at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital.
We are sorry that one of our nursing staff did not appear to be dressed or behaving appropriately. We are keen to look into this in more detail so that we can address the issues you have raised. If you are happy to do this please make contact with the Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) to provide your details. PALS are here to help and can be contacted by phone 0121 424 0808, by email or by contact form at
Best Wishes
Nicky Beecher
Patient Experience Manager UHB

Provider responded

Filthy; dangerous; unsafe practices.

December 19, 2022
Its obvious front line staff are doing their best, the state of A&E environment must lie with the way the Trust is mismanaged. High salaries paid to Trust managers who are failing to deliver leaving front line staff and service users in dangerous, filthy conditions.
Blood on the floor, filthy contaminated cubicles, toilets unsafe with debris on the floor including blood and other body fluids.
The irony of being asked to wear face masks & visitors numbers being restricted when it is the hospital environment that visitors need to be protected from!
We felt so unsafe & overwhelmed by the filthy state at the QE we left without receiving treatment, we truly believed our health would have been impacted on negatively if we had stayed.
Its time the Trust management were held accountable, if they are not able to perform/deliver a service fit for purpose both for service users and the front line staff, then they should be forced to step down. What jobs allow management to stay in post, continuing to draw a salary & other perks & yet fail on such a scale?
It truly was a disgusting hell hole of a place to visit and cant imagine how it is for front line staff.
I can imagine the response to this feedback "thank you for taking the time to let us know of your experience..... sorry your experience wasn't what should be expected..... we value feedback..... we are striving to do better.... "
Nothing will change, it was filthy end of, it should be deep cleaned and maintained, it won't be because Trust management simply only care about what is in their salaries each month!

Reply from Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham

Dear patient

Thank you for taking the time to provide feedback about the Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham – apologies for the delayed response but we were sharing this with the departments involved before posting a response. We are really sorry to hear that your experience with our Emergency Department was not a positive one and you found that the environment was so unacceptable.

We are keen to listen to your concerns in more detail to understand more about what has happened and to try to resolve any outstanding issues. If you are happy to do and haven't already this please make contact with the Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) to provide your details. PALS are here to help and can be contacted by phone 0121 424 0808, by email or by contact form at

Best wishes

James Cunningham

Assistant Patient Experience Manager at UHB

Provider responded

Waited from 4pm to 10:45pm

Accident and emergency services
December 16, 2022
Went to A&E at 4pm for suspected heart attack, after assessment waited until 10:45pm.

Reply from Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham

Dear patient

Thank you for taking the time to provide feedback about the Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham. We are really sorry to hear that your experience with our Emergency Department was not a positive one, in particular the issues with the delays you experienced waiting for an assessment after a suspected heart attack.

We are keen to listen to your concerns in more detail to understand more about what has happened and to try to resolve any outstanding issues. If you are happy to do this please make contact with the Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) to provide your details. PALS are here to help and can be contacted by phone 0121 424 0808, by email or by contact form at

Best wishes

James Cunningham

Assistant Patient Experience Manager at UHB

Provider responded

Removed them same day

December 15, 2022
I went to get rid of one mole, I had and they asked about other moles on body and they removed them same day.

Reply from Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham

Dear Patient

Thank you so much for taking the time to provide feedback about the Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham. We are delighted to hear about the excellent service you received when you had all of your moles removed on the same day.

If you would like to provide any further feedback about your experience please visit the hospital webpage

Best Wishes

James Cunningham

Assistant Patient Experience Manager at University Hospitals Birmingham

Provider responded

They said I had eczema

Accident and emergency services
December 14, 2022
They said I had eczema, when I was having an allergic reaction to blood pressure tablets.

Reply from Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham

Dear Patient

Thank you so much for taking the time to provide feedback about the Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham and sorry to hear that there was confusion over whether you were suffering from eczema or an allergic reaction to another medication.

We are keen to listen to your concerns in more detail to understand more about what has happened and to try to resolve any outstanding issues. If you are happy to do this please make contact with the Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) to provide your details. PALS are here to help and can be contacted by phone 0121 424 0808, by email or by contact form at

Best Wishes

James Cunningham

Assistant Patient Experience Manager at University Hospitals Birmingham

Provider responded

They have put me on trial

December 13, 2022
Before they challenged me to think they have lost my mind. They have put me on trial with tablets that can cause bad side effects, said it could be a gluten allergy. But nothing has changed and I’ve had a GF diet for the past 4 years.

Reply from Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham

Dear patient

Thank you for taking the time to provide feedback about the Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham – apologies for the delayed response. We are really sorry to hear that you have concerns about the trial you are participating and potential side effects from the medication you have been given.

We are keen to listen to your concerns in more detail to understand more about what has happened and to try to resolve any outstanding issues. If you are happy to do this please make contact with the Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) to provide your details. PALS are here to help and can be contacted by phone 0121 424 0808, by email or by contact form at

Best wishes

James Cunningham

Assistant Patient Experience Manager at UHB

Provider responded

They are good

December 12, 2022
Go every three months. They are good but my doctor is very rude. If I ask for something, my English is not very good. Doctor said I am not entitled to an interpreter on NHS. They do not provide it for MS. Want to go to Good hope but no MS nurse.

Reply from Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham

Dear patient

Thank you for taking the time to provide feedback about the Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham – apologies for the delayed response. Whilst we are pleased to hear that your care from the MS nurses has been so good we are also sorry to hear that you have found your doctor rude and had issues getting an interpreter.

We are keen to listen to your concerns in more detail to understand more about what has happened and to try to resolve any outstanding issues. If you are happy to do this please make contact with the Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) to provide your details. PALS are here to help and can be contacted by phone 0121 424 0808, by email or by contact form at

Best wishes

James Cunningham

Assistant Patient Experience Manager at UHB

Provider responded

My husband had his op cancelled 3rd time

General Surgery
December 7, 2022
Can't go bk to work till he had had operation for quad repair on thigh..rail strikes mean if he is in over xmas I can't visit..he will be on his own if in over xmas..not good mental health for both of us..
Rebecca Dalton

Reply from Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham

Dear Rebecca

Thank you for taking the time to provide feedback about the Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham. We are really sorry to hear that your husband's experience has not been a positive one and that his operation has been cancelled for the third time.

We are keen to listen to your concerns in more detail to understand more about what has happened and to try to resolve any outstanding issues. If you are happy to do this please make contact with the Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) to provide your details. PALS are here to help and can be contacted by phone 0121 424 0808, by email or by contact form at

I've also spoken to managers in the General Surgery Department and they assure me that if you get in touch with PALS and provide your information they will endeavour to assist as quickly as possible.

Best wishes

James Cunningham

Assistant Patient Experience Manager at UHB

Provider responded

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Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham


Mindelsohn Way
B15 2WB


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