Reviews (2173)

The best hospital in Birmingham

November 23, 2023
I went there for my hip replacement and I can say with full confidence that this hospital is the best hospital in Birmingham.

Reply from Royal Orthopaedic Hospital

Thank you for taking the time to leave feedback regarding your contact with The Royal Orthopaedic Hospital.
We are pleased that you had such a positive experience with us and wish you all the very best for your future recovery.
Thank You

Provider responded

Awful, no care, consultants don't do their job

November 22, 2023
I have been under the spinal team, worst hospital ever

Leave you for close on a year after tests, then when you finally get an appointment the tests are out of date and you start the whole process again.

My consultant tells me how he is so 'caring' and 'compassionate' for his patients, sadly with the care (or lack off) I have received I have never seen this, he doesn't treat you, says if you said 60/40 the other way round i would have done this????? Really. Another hospital challenged him as they don't agree with what the ROH have done, he then discharged me from his care when raised a concern over this, and said it was an 'error'??? Really

The trust values mean nothing, this hospital really has gone to pot, and don't even bother with the PALS team, complete waste of time.

Reply from Royal Orthopaedic Hospital

Thank You for taking the time to leave your feedback on the contact you have had with The Royal Orthopaedic Hospital.
We are sorry that you do not feel that your expectations have been met and want to reassure you that all concerns and complaints are investigated thoroughly and in conjunction with our partner agencies.

Provider responded

I would recommend them

November 21, 2023
I was referred to the orthopaedic as I was having issues with my feet. They were fast and are a good hospital. Great service . Easy to get around. Overall they are excellent. I would recommend them.

Reply from Royal Orthopaedic Hospital

Thank you for taking the time to leave your feedback regarding your contact with the Royal Orthopaedic Hospital.
We are pleased that you have had a positive experience with us and wish you well for your recovery.

Provider responded

Care at hospital has changed since 2020

November 16, 2023
I have been under The Royal orthopaedic hospital, for many years with back problems, but sadly back in 2020 these changed, and sadly that is when my care within the hospital changed too.
My consultant sent me for an MRI scan, over 10 months later of my and my GP chasing the results, I was informed I had an impinged nerve in my spine and needed to see a spinal surgeon, I was referred to 1 and he informed me that the MRI was out of date so I needed a new 1, I had this done and went back to him,he then said no surgery even though the nerve is trapped, my symptoms got worse and he sent me for another MRI and some NCS testing. Again my results sat for close on 7 months with me and my GP chasing, they informed me they never had the results (it later came to light from a SARS request they did) and because this happened again, and waiting so long and my health was getting worse, I decided to make a formal complaint.
Sadly it was the worse thing I ever did, my consultant sent me a letter documenting my complaint (which is strictly not allowed) and really personal attack in the letter and then discharged me from his care, I went to the Ombudsman and they informed he couldn't do this so too log a new complaint, I did a meeting over the phone took place and he claimed he never knew they had the results and he would see me, this then took another 3 months to book in. He then requested a new MRI scan again and informed he would see me when back. However from this happening my symptoms got worse, I went to A&E and they referred me to the ROH as an urgent, as lost a lot of the use in my legs and bladder, however the ROH never called me and left me for 6 days like this, and have now been informed I have been discharged again.
I contacted the complaint team, but they just simply don't care and not bothered, but talk about the outstanding patient care they provide, sadly I haven't had this. I then got a call from the CSL, he said he had taken the time to call me now, but he didn't have too so I should be grateful, it was awful, he confirmed my MRI will come to me, my own spinal surgeon has meant to have been calling me since the 10th Oct and nothing, no call nothing, I've chased his secretary again nothing (this isn't unusual you have to do all the chasing at the ROH, they NEVER contact you).
So been left, and informed based on what's happened with A&E and how left my the Ombudsman to make a further complaint which I have done, and they are questioning why I am complaining and at present not acknowledge it.
Basically since I made a Complaint my care has been hugely compromised, they fail to engage, my consultant is clearly unhappy I raised a concern, even though I am within my rights to do so, and now I am seriously paying the price for it, waiting times elsewhere over a year, and my health is getting worse by the week, and no one cares, I just can't believe it.

Reply from Royal Orthopaedic Hospital

Thank you for taking the time to leave your feedback on your experience with the Royal Orthopaedic Hospital, we are sorry that you do not feel that the experiences you have had are what they should have been.
Once ongoing complaints are concluded please contact the PHSO at that point if you are unhappy with the outcome.
Thank You

Provider responded

Overall a good hospital

November 16, 2023
Wonderful. The medical staff provide brilliant care. I had a niggle with reception staff today. They didn't greet me and they weren't busy. The porter apologised for them. They sent me to another floor when they should have checked me in downstairs. Overall it's a good hospital. I've been coming here for 40 years.

Reply from Royal Orthopaedic Hospital

Thank you for taking the time to leave your feedback about your experience with the Royal Orthopaedic Hospital, we are pleased that you have had a positive experience with our clinical staff and apologise that you did not find our reception staff to be what you had hoped.
If you would like to raise this directly with us please contact PALS on 0121 685 4128 or by email on
thank you

Provider responded

Reliable and professional

November 16, 2023
Reliable and professional.

Reply from Royal Orthopaedic Hospital

Thank you for taking the time to leave your feedback regarding your contact with the Royal Orthopaedic Hospital.
We are pleased that you had a positive experience and wish you all the best for the future.

Provider responded

Care, support and food was excellent

November 16, 2023
I have stayed here as an inpatient for 3 weeks after surgery. the care, support and food was excellent. The only challenge has been to get a follow up appointment which is a year late.

Reply from Royal Orthopaedic Hospital

Thank you for taking the time to leave your feedback for The Royal Orthopaedic Hospital Birmingham we are glad that you had a positive experience following your surgery.
If you would like to raise your concerns regarding a follow up appointment please contact either Appointments on 0121 752 1673 or your consultants medical secretary. if you are not successful with that you can raise a concern with PALS on 0121 685 4128 or by email on

Provider responded

Friendly, prompt and efficient.

November 16, 2023
I have used the back pain service and my experience was good. The staff are friendly, prompt and efficient. My appointment was on time.

Reply from Royal Orthopaedic Hospital

Thank you for taking the time to leave your feedback for us. We are pleased that you had a positive experience with us and wish you well in your recovery.

Provider responded

I've asked to be referred here

November 16, 2023
After coming here with my daughter who has had both hip replacements here. I have asked my GP to refer me here now I need help.

Reply from Royal Orthopaedic Hospital

We appreciate the time you have taken to share your feedback with Healthwatch regarding your experience at the Royal Orthopaedic Hospital. We are pleased that your daughter had such a positive experience and that you have asked to be referred here yourself.

Provider responded

The surgeon is amazing.

November 16, 2023
They have sorted both of my knees. The surgeon is amazing. During the pre-op meeting he explained what he would be doing and how long it would take to recover.

Reply from Royal Orthopaedic Hospital

We appreciate the time you have taken to share your feedback with Healthwatch regarding your experience at the Royal Orthopaedic Hospital. We are pleased that you had a positive experience and wish you all the best for your ongoing recovery.

Provider responded

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Royal Orthopaedic Hospital


0121 685 4000

The Woodlands
Bristol Road South
West Midlands
B31 2AP


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