Reviews (1267)

Lack of communication and care

November 23, 2017
I was taken into the Birmingham Women's Hospital to be induced to have my baby. Upon labour I didn't know 'till many hours later but delivering my daughter caused an aortic dissection. I felt like an elephant was sat on my chest and I couldn't breathe. I was given Gaviscon for indigestion and put on a ward after bleeping a doctor numerous times. I wasn't taken seriously. After finally being observed now 4 hrs later I was taken to high dependency unit. There an ambulance took me to the QE as a CT scan showed an aortic dissection. I was an 80% fatality (risk) and had a 15 hr operation to fix me. If the Women's would have listened to me things might have been different but from lack of communication between staff and not listening to the patient - being myself. More care should be taken and the patients voice is the most important. Also acting quicker would be key.
Talia Dewhurst

Reply from Birmingham Womens Hospital

Dear Talia,
Thank you so much for taking the time to share your experience with us. I am very sorry to hear that you didn't feel listened to in your labour, as this is a value all have of our staff to listen to our families. This is an area of focus of for our teams, and we would very much value the opportunity to speak with you further about your care, should you wish to get in touch. We offer families an "After Thoughts" service for this very purpose, so we have the opportunity to learn how things could have been better and where you might have the chance to share in person what your experience was like. Should this be of interest to you, please reach us on or 0121 335 8226, but in any event, please know your feedback will be shared with staff to reflect on how they could have listened better to you.
Thank you,
Amy Maclean

Provider responded

Really excellent staff

April 13, 2017
Staff really helpful and friendly and services brilliant.

Reply from Birmingham Womens Hospital

Dear Kirsty
Thank you for taking the time to feedback about your care with us and we are pleased to hear that you had a positive experience. We are always working hard to ensure our patients receive high quality care and we are very grateful when patient's tell us that we are achieving this. Thank you!

Provider responded

Great maternity care

December 12, 2016
I was induced, and then gave birth to my daughter following a trip round the birth centre, delivery suite and theatre! All excellent though I did feel I perhaps could have been taken down to the birth centre sooner after my waters broke. After care was excellent too. The Bounty woman was ok but seemed surprised I didn't want photos taken (I'd been up all night, was still recovering from the effects of the spinal block and had sent my husband home for a nap). No one had pre-warned me about this and I was quite surprised she was able to just wander around the wards full of slightly dazed and knackered new mothers pushing them to buy photoshoots. That said if I'd had more warning I might have agreed. Child benefit forms were useful but being given a guide on labour and birth after I'd just gone through it was silly.

Reply from Birmingham Womens Hospital

Thank you for posting your feedback and apologies that we are a bit late in responding. We are really pleased to hear that you had a good experience but do take on board your comments about the service provided by Bounty and we will make sure that this is passed on to Bounty. It may be that we need to let women know antenatally that this service is available should they want it.
We are very grateful for feedback as it can help us to make improvements to our care and also lets us know when we are doing a good job.
Thank you

Provider responded

Excellent Maternity Service, Bounty intrusive

November 16, 2016
I delivered my son on the Birth Centre and received fantastic support from staff. The space was clean, welcoming and calming and the Birth Pool had been prepared for me (although I didn't get chance to use it!). My midwife was reassuring and made sure that I was comfortable and happy with what was happening. My son failed his 'Pulse Ox' test, so was transferred to NeoNatal where he received a course of antibiotics - initially on the NeoNatal ward and then with me on the Post Natal ward. We had lots of support with feeding, nappy changes and bathing from staff.

Downsides include a visit from an overly assertive Bounty Rep, who warned me that I wouldn't be able to apply for Child Benefit until I took her pack of promo material. The last thing I needed when trying to bond with my son and establish breastfeeding was a massive pack of leaflets for expensive baby equipment. I would imagine that for mothers feeling vulnerable, insecure or worried about finances that shiny catalogues and adverts would be even more upsetting. It's time that these reps were kicked off wards for good.

I would have liked a bit more dedicated support to establish breastfeeding - a breastfeeding counsellor sitting with me and other mums for half an hour each day could have avoided the months of pain, discomfort and tears that followed!

Reply from Birmingham Womens Hospital

Thank you for taking the time to feedback about your experience at the Women's Hospital and your positive comments about your maternity care. We apologise for responding late but we are delighted to hear that you received such fantastic support in the Birth Centre as well as on the postnatal ward. We are sorry to hear that you felt that the Bounty Service was intrusive and this will be fed back to the providers. We welcome your feedback about breastfeeding support and we are always working to improve this important support to women. We are very grateful for your feedback and we will ensure that your comments are fed back.

Provider responded

Unacceptably long waiting times - 4 - 6 hours!

May 14, 2015
Whilst the service at the Women's Ante-natal departments is very good, the waiting times are outrageous. For each of my two pregnancies, I have found that waiting times are at least 4 hours and up to 6 hours. I have even had morning appointments (at 8:50am) which I had hoped would mean there wouldn't be a backlog/delay but I still had to wait 45 mins for my scan.

Reply from Birmingham Womens Hospital

Thank you for taking the time to share your feedback to Healthwatch in relation to our Trust. We are sorry to see we have not met your expectations. Please do contact us at and we can assist you further. Best Wishes, the Patient Experience Team.

Provider responded

Very good service

July 15, 2014
Very good service all through pregnancy, good midwife care and good hospital stay.
Michelle Walter

Reply from Birmingham Womens Hospital

Thank you for taking the time to share your feedback to Healthwatch in relation to our Trust. We are sorry to see we have not met your expectations. Please do contact us at and we can assist you further. Best Wishes, the Patient Experience Team.

Provider responded

Too few beds, inexperienced midwives & awful gynae experiences

February 19, 2014
I had my daughter at BWH in June 2013. I got to 9cm at home but the midwife directed me to push on a full bladder, lying down when I had no urge to push. I ended up with forceps and now have multiple pelvic organ prolapses which haven't responded to management with pessaries or oestrogen cream.

I had to wait months for my referral then had two utterly brutal clinic appointments with callous and dismissive doctors. My prolapses are unbelievably debilitating but their attitude is very much "put up and shut up." I have been diagnosed with PTSD as a result. BWH's response to my complaint was incomplete and focused on directing me into a meeting with the delivery suite manager, which under the circumstances is completely inappropriate.

I think they were very keen for me to delivery quickly because they were short of beds but I think that this is prioritised over everything else. My midwife was inexperienced, tired, looking after other women at the same time and let down by poor systems. If you are considering having your baby here please please go to some mother and baby groups to ask local new mums about their birth experiences so that you are better informed than I was.

Reply from Birmingham Womens Hospital

Thank you for taking the time to share your feedback to Healthwatch in relation to our Trust. We are sorry to see we have not met your expectations. Please do contact us at and we can assist you further. Best Wishes, the Patient Experience Team.

Provider responded

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Birmingham Womens Hospital

Birmingham Women’s Hospital is a centre of excellence, providing specialist services to more than 50,000 women, men and their families every year from our city, the wider region and beyond.


0121 472 1377

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B15 2TG


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