Reviews (726)

Good Service and nice staff

November 20, 2018
I had hysterotomy done at city in July 2017. The surgeon was very much to the point and as direct and positive as he could be to deliver bad news. He said, I am very sorry, it is cancer, but we will sort it. It made me feel more confident. I also had chemotherapy at City Hospital. I was offered an opportunity to have a look around the facilities before starting the treatment made a difference. Staff were very efficient, I had a reaction to chemo and I had people around me immediately. The receptionist was lovely person and known to everyone, very nice people.
Maureen Dren

Bad blood test

October 31, 2018
Nurse didn't do blood test very well, bruised my arm and area where needle was inserted to draw blood, didn't find vein very well

Bad Experience

October 25, 2018
I have 3 children, my oldest sadly passed away when he was 9 months old due to brain tumour. My second was born via C-Section. Because of this, when I was pregnant with my 3rd, I had lots of midwife appointments. I felt throughout my pregnancy really stressed because of previous treatment experience. When I was 7 months pregnant I was meant to have an appointment to go through my birth plan and previous C-Section experience. However I only ended up having this appointment just two weeks before giving birth. I was really anxious and the appointment made me even more anxious, as it was really negative experience. They hadn’t read my notes about the loss of my first child and gastroenteritis during pregnancy so I had to keep repeating/re-living that traumatic experiences.

All the worst case scans also made me feel very anxious and worried that something would happen to my baby. Because of the worst case scenario I was also worrying about childcare for my middle child, and how she would cope if we end up in hospital for long time etc. maybe if this appointment had been earlier I would have more time to get into positive mind set instead of very stressful last two weeks of pregnancy.

In the end I had my baby at home and everything was fine. They should have been positive instead of being negative. On another occasion, whilst I was having a midwife appointment a women just walked in and started taking bloods without any explanation or introduction. I just feel that they need to remember we are all individuals regardless of their routines.

We were very happy the way she was treated.

Diabetic Medicine
October 2, 2018
My granddaughter was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes and treated at city hospital. We were very happy the way she was treated.

Staff training is required

August 2, 2018
Staff at city hospital needs more training in handling Confidentiality.

Communication fantastic

July 27, 2018
Communication fantastic. Staff work together at all levels as one team.

Poor Appointment System

July 23, 2018
I have a rare type of cancer which was treated well at QE Cancer Centre, when treatment finished I was told that I will be called for regular follow up check-ups after every 8 weeks to City hospital, but I only once received an appointment letter from City hospital. For all the other appointments I had to chase the staff at department to get an emergency appointments for check-ups. I reported this to PALS twice but with no success. I am very upset with this appointment crisis at city hospital which has resulted in useless stress.

Pathetic A&E

July 23, 2018
Two months ago my mother fell over and her hand was bruised and swollen, we went to city hospital A&E where we were seen after a wait of 5 hrs and they said everything is fine. After two days mom was still in pain we went to GP again he said that A&E nurse should have done the X ray to check for internal damage. We went back to A&E again X ray was taken and after 10 days result still awaited. Pathetic service provided.

Staff try their best in poor conditions

July 17, 2018
Been a patient here for a long time under immunology. Unfortunately they have run out of treatment options for my condition, but the staff have tried to get me the very latest treatments. My consultant is excellent, but sometimes has only a very short time to see me in. The facilities are very dated, and I've had to visit my consultant in some terrible offices. For a while the clinic was based in the rooms about the maternity hospital. I cannot have a baby because of risk of birth defects with my medications, and it was incredibly upsetting to have to walk through the maternity reception each time to get to the clinic. The waiting area seemed to be the place where all broken and odd chairs in the hospital came to retire.
They've now moved to other space in the hospital, but it's all very run down.

Nurses went WAY above duty.

D17 medical
June 23, 2018
Was going thru lot issues. Was helped with all
Mandy Maddox

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City Hospital


0121 554 3801

Dudley Road
West Midlands
B18 7QH


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