Reviews (61)

They do their best but you cant get through

December 5, 2023
I think it's the same here as everywhere. No available doctors and no appointments. Long waits. It's not their fault and they're good when you do get to see them or get through to them. They can only try their best.

Left with a big phone bill and no appointment

December 5, 2023
They don't give advanced appointments. You wait ages on the phone then there is no appointments left. You just end up with a big phone bill. It's so impossible sometimes.

Can't get an appointment so I use 111

December 5, 2023
The GP will only see you for one thing and that's it. It long waits to get an appointment and then when you get through there aren't any left. I have often relied on 111 to try and get advice or I'll try the pharmacy.

Prescriptions not sent to pharmacy on time

October 26, 2023
The GP is excellent but its very difficult to reach him. Most of the time prescriptions are not sent to the pharmacy on time.

Very good

October 9, 2023
I am reviewed 6 monthly by phone or face to face by outreach team - consultant nurse dietician. Bloods feet weight at GP surgery.

Nightmare to get hold of.

September 28, 2023
Nightmare to get hold of. They don't have a dedicated doctor no more. Call them at 8am and 8:45 and no appointments left.

Makes you want to give up

September 26, 2023
Receptionists are gate keepers. I need an appointment for a review for diabetes and they tell me there's nothing available so they tell me to book online when I don't use the internet. You go into the surgery and there's no-one there. Waste of time and makes you want to give up.

Nightmare getting an appointment.

September 21, 2023
Nightmare getting an appointment. You ring up and they have no appointments available. I just keep ringing each day until I get one.

Always get an appointment, doesn't take long

September 8, 2023
Always get in when I need to, doesn't take too long on the phone. Not always same day appointment, it depends on the issue whether its face to face or on the phone. I prefer a female doctor but if one isn't available I'll see whoever.

Provide interpreters for appointments

September 8, 2023
They provide interpreters for appointments, and have appointments available too.

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Poplars Surgery


0121 377 2133

17 Holly Lane
West Midlands
B24 9JN


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