Reviews (122)

Apart from waiting time other facilities are super.

December 13, 2018
I came as emergency patient and waited for two and a half hours, 2 weeks back, it was during half term. They did a temporary job (filling) and now I am here for permanent filling waiting since last one hour. Apart from waiting time other facilities are super.

Reply from Birmingham Dental Hospital

Thank you for giving your feedback on your recent visits to Birmingham Dental Hospital. I am sorry you have experienced a wait to be seen in our Unscheduled Care service. This service is for patients who are unable to see their own dentist (or are not registered with a dentist) and is a very busy service. Patients who use this service are offered an appointment slot by NHS111. As it is not possible to predict how much time each patient will take to be assessed and treated, some waiting is unfortunately inevitable.

I am delighted to see that other than the waiting time you found the service and facilities to be 'super' and hope you have now fully recovered from your treatment.

Thank you again for your feedback.

With kind regards

Alison Last
Associate Director of Patient Experience
Birmingham Community Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust

Provider responded

Long wait before being seen

December 13, 2018
Staff communication is good but at times you have to wait for longer period say 40 mins before you are seen. Parking, staff, seating & facilities are good.

Reply from Birmingham Dental Hospital

Thank you for taking time to give your feedback on your recent visit to Birmingham Dental Hospital. I am delighted to read that staff communicated well and you found our facilities to be good. I am sorry for the wait you experienced past your appointment time, and trust this was explained and an apology offered at the time. Whilst we do aim to see patients as near as possible to their appointment time, the quality of care is very important to us, and therefore there can be inevitable delays when/if patients take longer than expected and when a student requires advice from a supervisor or for their work to be checked before progressing.

Should you wish to discuss your experience in more detail, please do get in touch via email to; I look forward to hearing from you.

With kind regards

Alison Last
Associate Director of Patient Experience
Birmingham Community Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust

Provider responded

appointment cancelled, long wait for another

December 13, 2018
My last appointment was cancelled and I was informed by letter about it and than I had to wait for a long time 3 months for second one, which is bad. Waiting area is good, clean and staff good & helpful.

Reply from Birmingham Dental Hospital

Thank you for taking time to give your feedback on your recent visit to Birmingham Dental Hospital. I am sorry your previous appointment had to be cancelled, and that this led to a wait for your next appointment to be arranged. If you wish to get in touch with me, I would be happy to look into why the cancellation and delay happened - please email me via with your details to enable this to happen. Thank you for letting us know that our facilities were clean and staff were good and helpful during the visit.

With kind regards

Alison Last
Associate Director of Patient Experience
Birmingham Community Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust

Provider responded

Very modern and clean hospital

December 12, 2018
Very modern and clean hospital with kids playing area and clean toilets and organised seating arrangements.

Reply from Birmingham Dental Hospital

Thank you for taking time to give your feedback on your recent visit to Birmingham Dental Hospital. I am delighted to read that everything was as expected with a play area for children which is supported by the Trust's charities.

With kind regards

Alison Last
Associate Director of Patient Experience
Birmingham Community Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust

Provider responded

long wait but overall its good

December 12, 2018
Waiting since last 1 hour to be seen, it’s a long wait but overall its good service and staff is helpful.

Reply from Birmingham Dental Hospital

Thank you for taking time to provide feedback on your recent visit to Birmingham Dental Hospital. I am sorry you had a wait of an hour to be seen, and am very pleased to note that you found staff to be helpful and your overall experience was that the service was good.

With kind regards

Alison Last
Associate Director of Patient Experience
Birmingham Community Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust

Provider responded

Overall good

December 12, 2018
It was 35 mins wait which I think is ok. They identified my problem and solved it. Overall good.

Reply from Birmingham Dental Hospital

Thank you for taking time to give your feedback on your recent visit to Birmingham Dental Hospital. I am delighted to read that your problem was identified and resolved and that your overall experience was a positive one.

With kind regards

Alison Last
Associate Director of Patient Experience
Birmingham Community Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust

Provider responded

Good, but clearer calling needed

December 12, 2018
This is a good service, calling patients should be done both by display screen & voice.

Reply from Birmingham Dental Hospital

Thank you for giving your valuable feedback. Unfortunately the acoustics in the very large atrium of the hospital makes it difficult for staff voices to carry effectively and therefore patients do not always hear their name being called. We are currently looking at how we can use the available display screens to better effect, and to ensure patients know when they have been called in to the clinic. In the meantime, staff have been reminded to project their voices across the waiting area, and to repeat the name several times.

Thank you again for your feedback.

Alison Last
Associate Director of Patient Experience
Birmingham Community Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust

Provider responded

Wish all services were like this.

December 12, 2018
Check in was great, seen by lovely dentists and staff, had to go to x-rays quick and easy everything was explained clearly, as my son had autism the language used was great no hospital jargon just plain understanding. Wish all services were like this.

Reply from Birmingham Dental Hospital

Thank you for your lovely feedback on your recent visit to Birmingham Dental Hospital. I am delighted to read that you had a very positive experience, especially in light of your son's individual requirements.

Should you wish for your feedback to reach the dental team who worked with your son on this occasion, please do not hesitate to me via email with his details and I will ensure they receive it.

With kind regards

Alison Last
Associate Director of Patient Experience
Birmingham Community Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust

Provider responded

Needs more clear signposting

December 12, 2018
Needs more clear signposting for toilets (its hiding under a banner), Patients calling voices should be loud and clear.

Reply from Birmingham Dental Hospital

Thank you for your feedback on your recent visit to Birmingham Dental Hospital. I am sorry you found the signage for the toilets to be hidden by a banner and would welcome some more feedback about the location of the banner so that it can be moved quickly.

We are aware that the acoustics in the very large atrium can make the voices of staff difficult to hear when they call for patients. We will of course remind staff of the need to project their voices more and are currently looking to use the display screens more effectively encouraging patients to speak to a receptionist should they not have been called within 30 minutes of their appointment time.

Should you wish to discuss your experience in detail, please do not hesitate to me via email; I look forward to hearing from you.

With kind regards

Alison Last
Associate Director of Patient Experience
Birmingham Community Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust

Provider responded

very happy

December 12, 2018
They are very good and I am very happy, although I waited for over 45 mins.

Reply from Birmingham Dental Hospital

Thank you for your feedback on your recent visit to Birmingham Dental Hospital. I am sorry you have a delay of 45 minutes for your appointment and I am pleased to see you write that your overall experience was a good one.

Should you wish to discuss your experience in detail, please do not hesitate to me via email; I look forward to hearing from you.

With kind regards

Alison Last
Associate Director of Patient Experience
Birmingham Community Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust

Provider responded

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Birmingham Dental Hospital


0121 442 5626

5 Mill Pool Way
West Midlands
B5 7EG


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