Reviews (726)

Good experience overall

August 30, 2023
I went for an appointment and it was fine, it was easy to get to and the staff were kind. It was a good experience overall.

Wants it looked into further

August 24, 2023
They did scan on leg and said everything is okay but my partner is in pain and wants it looked into further.

Took a long time

August 21, 2023
Breast screening services and thyroid services was very quick appointment within 7 days due to pregnant, when they first diagnosed thyroid problem it took long and got worse and didn't do anything until appointment at the woman's they then gave me medication

Waited for 12 long hours

Accident and emergency services
August 15, 2023
Long wait without any help. Can’t believe waited for 12 long hours.

Referred me to physiotherapy

August 9, 2023
They're good and I find myself going there but they ask me why I don't go the GP, but I can't. They treat me well and got me referred to physiotherapy.

long waits - great nurses

August 9, 2023
Last month I spent 11 hours waiting in A&E after been brought in by paramedics via 111. When I did get to the doctor they did not know why I was there. The assessment was good but the wait to see a doctor was poor. Nurses are great but the system is broken. In the end I was sent home and told to come back the next day for a scan. I also had to wait 7 hours for results. This happened during the junior doctors strikes.

Treated her well - hospital too far

August 2, 2023
My mom was sent all the way to the hospital to have her cataracts removed. It was really far for her to get around and for her to go when I don't drive. Wish they would organise her to go to a hospital closer. The hospital itself was good, it's just a far way to come. They treated her well though.

Doctor played down my pain

August 2, 2023
Ended up twice in hospital, ended up in A&E with pain. Touched my stomach and told me not to move which I didn't and she said I can't be in that much pain. Then said they wouldn't operate and sent me home with painkillers.


July 24, 2023
Excellent had lumpectomy first and then had to go back for total mastectomy because they didn’t manage to get it all away.

Good hospital

July 21, 2023
I was referred to the Chest Clinic from this hospital. My partner was under them for chest issues and then they referred me for x-rays. Good hospital.

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City Hospital


0121 554 3801

Dudley Road
West Midlands
B18 7QH


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