Reviews (586)

Struggling to get an appointment

February 28, 2022
Been to Good Hope hospital to see eye consultant. After Covid phoned hospital and they said they will have to get letter from GP. She thinks that the appointment letter has been sent to a old address. She is struggling to get an appointment with eye consultant since last 2 years due to Covid and her vision is getting worse.

Reply from Good Hope Hospital

This posting has only recently been received. Please accept our apologies for not responding to your feedback. If you have any need to raise concerns about the treatment and care you received from Good Hope Hospital Ophthalmology please do not hesitate to contact the Patient Relations Team who can be contacted on 0121 424 0808 or via email the team will be able to help you resolve your issues.

Kind regards, Patient Experience Team

Provider responded

Good fracture clinic

January 10, 2022
Had follow-up appointments at the fracture clinic at Good Hope following an operation at Heartlands. Sometimes long waiting times but always received considerate and reassuring advice from the consultant.

Reply from Good Hope Hospital

Thank you for taking the time to post your comments regarding the service at Good Hope Hospital. It is lovely to receive such positive feedback from our patients. Feedback like this is greatly valued as staff love to hear they have made such a positive difference.

Best wishes, Patient Experience Team

Provider responded

Every hospital I went to was brilliant

December 20, 2021
Last year I had Kidney Cancer during lockdown, without the hospital s in the Trust, I would have been in dire straits. As GP was rubbish, didn't see them at all, not even after I phoned them for a test result which they had had for months, containing the knowledge of my tumour, which got read over the phone. ! Every hospital I went to was brilliant.
Margaret Chamberlain

Reply from Good Hope Hospital

Sorry for our late reply this feedback has only recently been posted:
Thank you for taking the time to post your comments regarding the Oncology Service at Good Hope Hospital. It is lovely to receive such positive feedback from our patients.
Best wishes
Patient Services Team

Provider responded

Waited 12 months to see a consultant

October 7, 2021
I had to wait over 12 months to be seen by a consultant, who couldn’t examine me because of the pain I was in, who then sent me an appointment 8 weeks, if I hadn’t phoned up and said I couldn’t wait that long, I would be in more pain,

Reply from Good Hope Hospital

I am sorry to hear about your experience and I am concerned about the issues you have raised in your posting. If you could let the Patient Relations Team have some more details that would be very helpful. They can be e-mailed on or contact Patient Services on 0121 424 0808. The team will be able to take the necessary action to look into your concerns.

Kind regards
Patient Experience Team

Provider responded

Good great staff

September 14, 2021
Good great staff
David Reeves

Reply from Good Hope Hospital

Dear David,
Thank you for taking time to post your comment regarding your experience at Good Hope Hospital. It is thrilling to receive such positive feedback and a five star rating. Feedback like this is greatly valued as staff love to hear they have made such a positive difference. If you would like to provide any further feedback about your experience please visit the hospital webpage:
Kind regards
Patient Experience Team

Provider responded

Getting any information is nightmare

September 14, 2021
Treatment of patients is good. Treatment of relatives is awful. A patient who is elderly, confused , bedbound and is unable to use a phone is just left with no communication with relatives. Getting any information from ward 11 is a nightmare.

Reply from Good Hope Hospital

Dear Anonymous
Thank you for taking the time to post your comments regarding your experience of Good Hope Hospital. All feedback is used to identify themes and trends across the organisation to highlight areas of improvement and your comments have been forwarded to our senior management team on Ward 11. Across the Trust, additional ward clerk support is being sourced to support communication with relatives on the wards. The Trust also has IPad in place and mobile phone handsets distributed to help with communication in various ward areas. I am sorry that your experience was not a positive one and should you wish to discuss your concerns further, please do not hesitate to contact the Patient Relations Team on 0121 424 0808 of via email
Kind regards, Patient Experience Team

Provider responded

So worried at not knowing

September 14, 2021
After an ovarian cyst was discovered. After having bloods take, I was told ( by letter) I had an appointment to see consultant in clinic for February 2021. This was cancelled due to COVID ( which I understood) however, at the end of July ( and many phone calls to enquire about my appointment) I received a letter stating that I had an appointment in September. Great I thought thankfully, but THE VERY NEXT DAY I received another letter cancelling That appointment??? I rang to see if there was an explanation, no I was told, just “ clinic cancelled” and that I was back on the waiting list. As I know very little about ovarian cysts but do know it is approx 7 cm, which to me seems rather large. I need to know (a) do I need more blood test to see if cancerous? Do I need a further scan to see if it has grown, can this cause the terrible back pain I am suffering with. So worried at not knowing.

Reply from Good Hope Hospital

Dear Anonymous
Thank you for taking the time to post your comments regarding your cancelled appointments to Good Hope Hospital.

With regards to your questions about your ovarian cyst please make an appointment with your GP who will be able to support and advise you.

I note that as at September 2021, you had contacted the Trust and was told you are on a waiting list. If this still remains the case and you wish for your concerns to be addressed, can I please ask you to contact the Patient Relations Team on 0121 424 0808 or via email providing your contact details.

Kind regards
Patient Services Team

Provider responded


August 31, 2021
Outpatients clinics - Excellent

Reply from Good Hope Hospital

Thank you for taking time to post your comment regarding your experience at Birmingham Good Hope Hospital. We are pleased to hear that you had such positive experience. Feedbacks like this are greatly appreciated by staff as they are thrilled to learn that have made such positive impact. If you would like to provide any further feedback about your experience please visit the hospital webpage:

Kind regards
Patient Experience Team

Provider responded


August 31, 2021
A&E experience was good.

Reply from Good Hope Hospital

Thank you for taking time to post your comment regarding your experience at the A&E Good Hope Hospital. It is thrilling to receive such positive feedback and a 5 star rating. I will ensure your comment is passed to the department as I am sure the staff will be delighted at such positive feedback.

Kind regards
Patient Experience Team

Provider responded

Helpful and supportive

August 31, 2021
The team at Sleep Apnea Clinic was very helpful and supportive.

Reply from Good Hope Hospital

Thank you for taking time to post your comment regarding your experience at the Sleep Apnea Clinic at Good Hope Hospital. It is thrilling to read such positive feedback and I am very pleased that you had such a good patient experience. I will ensure your comment is passed to the department as I am sure the staff will be delighted at such positive feedback.

Kind regards
Patient Experience Team

Provider responded

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Good Hope Hospital


0121 424 2000

Rectory Road
Sutton Coldfield
West Midlands
B75 7RR


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