Reviews (83)

Long wait for a referral

November 25, 2022
I hurt my hand in September and couldn't get an appointment with the GP until October. I have been referred for Physio which will not start until December. It's been a long wait for a referral. They haven't given me anything, no exercises before this appointment in December. I had to make noise to get an appointment and medication.

Vaccine clinic

September 27, 2022
Attended here for a vaccine clinic to get a covid autumn booster. Volunteer greeter was very friendly, and staff in the clinic were pleasant and efficient.
Only downside was the environment in the waiting room and reception area. It looked worn, and the receptionists at the practice weren't very friendly to people coming in for enquiries. I also noticed they insisted on proof of ID and address to register - this isn't needed, and they shouldn't be insisting on it.

Don't see the same doctor

September 22, 2022
I see a different doctor every time I go. They did send me to hospital for tests when I first started getting my symptoms.

Long process to get appointment

July 28, 2022
When I can get through they are good. Process of trying to get and appointment isn't good. They do appointments over the phone, I did have a face to face appointment today after a month.

Not good

July 26, 2022
It's not good. I've got to call at 8:30, it's like this everywhere now. There's also long waiting times in the queues.

They do not deal with long term cases

June 6, 2022
The doctor has come to visit me as I am pregnant, they have confirmed my pregnancy and took a history but I have been told they do not deal with long term cases. I have tried to register with another practice but they have said they cannot register me due to my post code and living in temporary accommodation for asylum seekers.

Lack of access to GP

May 31, 2022
We are a migrant family being hosted in temporary accommodation and we are finding it hard to register and get support at a permanent GP practice.

Only a phone call

December 23, 2021
Just had a phone call back from a Dr. They should explore if the condition is better seen face to face. I was referred to the hopsital QE due to high blood pressure, but couldn't understand why they couldn't take my blood pressure at the health centre.

Can't get face to face appointment

August 6, 2021
Can't get face to face appointment.


April 29, 2021
Excellent. I was divertred from Sandwell and West Birmingham Hospital, and everything was great.

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Bath Row Medical Practice, Attwood Green Health Centre


0121 622 4846

First Floor - The Colston Suite
Attwood Green Health Centre
30 Bath Row
West Midlands
B15 1LZ


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