Reviews (83)

Very good GP

October 18, 2023
The GP is very good and booking appointments is good. The car park is bad.

Helpful and respectful.

October 12, 2023
I got ill last year. They instantly knew what is was and were very helpful and respectful. GP is very caring and knew about my mom. He was very respectful. Just really really good.

GP has been very good so far.

October 4, 2023
As part of registration they wanted me to go to the chest clinic. I registered with the GP as I have recently come to Birmingham. They wanted me to go to the chest clinic. GP has been very good so far.

Very good nurses at the surgery

September 11, 2023
I am happy by the service provided. Very good nurses at the surgery.

Very difficult to get appointments

September 11, 2023
Very difficult to get appointments. On 11th Aug I went for bloods and have not heard back from them since last 2 weeks.

Can't turn up to get an appointment

March 21, 2023
I used to be able to turn up and get an appointment, but you can't do that now. No one knows when they're going to be ill, but I cannot contact them in advance to make an appointment because they only do on the day appointments.

Hard to get an appointment

January 30, 2023
Hard to get an appointment have to ring every day. Receptionist are not very nice. Act like they work in a hospital. Don’t get an appointment with my own doctor.

Can never get an appointment unless...

December 6, 2022
My partner is disabled and has trouble with mobility, he is also hard of hearing and virtually deaf in one ear, and the pain medication he is on affects his memory and the ability to process what he hears accurately. As a result, when he needs to see a Doctor he can spend ages on the phone in a queue only to be told that there are no appointments left for that day and to call again at 8am the following morning. This is a huge issue as again, because of his medication, he often doesn't wake up until closer to lunchtime and is then extremely groggy for an hour, so any chance of making an appointment is almost zero. And all appointments tend to be callbacks, and again he either cannot hear the doctor, doesn't understand what is being said, and because of his typical male pride, he won't ask for something to be repeated.

Now here is the really annoying thing.

We can call at 8am to make an appointment only to be told that there are none available and to call back the following day. This happened recently when I had to call the paramedics out in the early hours of the morning because my partner had collapsed and was struggling to breathe. They were here within minutes I'm pleased to say, and they stayed for several hours checking him over, giving him oxygen, calming him down and getting him relaxed again. I was told to call the surgery as soon as they opened and tell them what had happened and that the paramedics had insisted he was seen by a GP as a mater of urgency that day, and to tell the surgery that when I was making the appointment. They even wrote this down on the discharge form so I had proof. As per usual, I got the same answer, no appointments, call tomorrow.

So, I do what I always do, walk round to his surgery, get to the reception desk and utter the magic words "I'm a carer for one of your patients and it is urgent that I get an appointment/call back with a GP today." Without fail, I get a same day appointment; a call back if IO can take and listen in on the call, and a face to face if he needs to actually talk face to face with the GP.

It really shouldn't matter whether I'm his carer or not, but that magic word "Carer" has always gotten a different level of service.

Hard to get an appointment

December 2, 2022
Hard to get an appointment, Phone up, just changed system. Tried to get an appointment, which is now mostly online.

Difficult to get appointments

December 1, 2022
They're okay. It's difficult to get appointments. If I cannot get an appointment, I'll go to the Children's for my daughter. You ring the surgery at 8am and by the time you get through there's no appointments left.

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Bath Row Medical Practice, Attwood Green Health Centre


0121 622 4846

First Floor - The Colston Suite
Attwood Green Health Centre
30 Bath Row
West Midlands
B15 1LZ


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