Reviews (156)

Can’t get an appointment

December 2, 2022
Can’t get an appointment, have to queue outside. Can’t get one over the phone. Can get an appointment. Have to get there physically at 8:15 in person.

Doctors are fine

December 1, 2022
Reception never pick up the phone but doctors are fine.

Always difficult to get an appointment

December 1, 2022
I have a past history that means I am at higher likelihood of bowel cancer than most people. I had previously been told, that I could stop having regular reviews in the clinic, but that my name was on the list so that I could contact the Hospital Consultant's secretary if I had any new symptoms, so as to arrange a review appointment directly if I needed; so I was not being seen regularly in clinic. All was well for perhaps five or six years, but when I tried to contact the hospital clinic after several weeks of passing blood with my motions, and it not going away, I was told to see my GP to get a referral as I was no longer on the list. I contacted the GP and was told I needed to be seen before I could be referred, and that the next GP appointment was in four weeks’ time, and that I would need some tests before I could be referred back to the hospital, and that the tests could not be arranged before my appointment. Adding up the inevitable delays; (appointment to see GP, appointment for tests, appointment for results, waiting for hospital appointment), this was going to be several months until I was seen by the Specialist, even if the Specialist thought it was urgent when the GP's letter arrived. So I went to see someone in a private clinic. Fortunately all was normal.
I feel particularly let-down by the GP service. Anonymous second-hand messages through the clerical staff. I rarely bother them, an annual blood test so perhaps once or twice a year, but it's always difficult to get an appointment and it's always with a different doctor, and I no longer get the feeling that they are on my side trying to help. It definitely used to be different when previous Dr was there.

Difficult can’t get through on phones

November 23, 2022
Difficult can’t get through on phones. Online system doesn’t work, so you have to call and then wait for a long time on phone and even than you don’t get an appointment. They will give emergency appointment for children but have to go physically.

It’s a very big & busy surgery

October 26, 2022
It’s a very big & busy surgery so getting an appointment is always a challenge.

GP’s are excellent

October 26, 2022
GP’s are excellent but waiting for 50 minutes in the phone queue is very stressful.

GP’s & nurses are excellent

October 26, 2022
I can easily get phone appointments. GP’s & nurses are excellent.

At the time I was happy with it

October 21, 2022
Went to doctors for pain in ankle, they sent me for x-rays within a couple of weeks and then took 4 – 5 weeks to send back to doctor. Then they sent me a text message to decide whether I wanted to be sent to the ankle clinic and to contact them for this. At the time I was happy with it.

Things have gone downhill

October 21, 2022
Since Covid things have gone downhill, No face to face appointments. Surgery open but couldn’t see a doctor, but they will phone you back. If its pretty serious they will call you in.

They don't do what they're supposed to do

October 7, 2022
My son took my 3 month old grandson to doctors who had constipation for 9 days. Doctors told him to bring him in and they did not examine him. They just told him to take him to A&E. They do not do what they're supposed to do, they pass their services onto other people. I wonder how lay people are coping with using GP's, as if they can't get appointments, what can they do?

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Lordswood House Group Medical Practice


54 Lordswood Road
West Midlands
B17 9DB


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