Reviews (156)

Would not recommend at all

October 7, 2022
Would not recommend at all. It's easier to get through the king. When you call you're 32 on the list, then you get cut off. The receptionist are not cooperative at all, they are like rottweilers. You are a number only. You make an appointment they give you two weeks later. Asking for a repeat prescription is a big deal. I try to explain it's urgent and they still don't care.

Takes ages to get an appointment

October 6, 2022
They are okay. Doctors are good but it takes ages to get an appointment. I waited 3 weeks for a blood test.

You feel like you are begging for appointment

September 30, 2022
You feel like you are begging for appointments and they say no.

Face to face and telephone appointments

September 28, 2022
They're fine, yeah. Always manage to get either a face to face or over the phone appointment. It can be a long process on the phones to get through but that's not all the time.

Prioritise under 1's

August 23, 2022
Experience has been very good. They prioritise under 1's. You have to queue when on the phone, but you get through to them. But you get that anywhere.

Service has gone down hill

August 23, 2022
I find that their service has gone down hill. Difficult, only get an appointment if go in person. I had a face to face appointment the other day. I don't mind an over the phone appointment. I think you have to be quite determined and have your wits about you.

They're okay

July 22, 2022
I am able to get appointments but only if I physically go to the doctors. They're okay.

GP really good

June 27, 2022
GP really good, nice and polite. Can get appointments.

Doctors are great

June 13, 2022
Waited 6 weeks for a blood test. Impossible to get an appointment on phone. Doctors are great.

They are good with my daughter

May 31, 2022
My daughter has been referred by the doctor to the Children's Hospital as she needs an urgent MRI scan because she has seizures and is Autistic. She was referred over 2 months ago but we have not had any response for when the appointment will be.

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Lordswood House Group Medical Practice


54 Lordswood Road
West Midlands
B17 9DB


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