Reviews (307)

Very helpful. Not too long to wait.

September 25, 2023
I had to call 111. Wasn't too bad of a wait and referred me onto out of hours service at the hospital. No appointment but just walk in service. It was very helpful.

They got an appointment for me.

September 20, 2023
I called them for advice and within 2 hours they got an appointment for me.

Always good

September 11, 2023
Always Good when I have use them. Good for information and reassurance and if further action they sort it.

Give good advice

September 8, 2023
Fine really. Give good advice and tell me to visit A&E when I need to.

Always been quite good

September 7, 2023
Always been quite good. Always manage to get an appointment and things. When I contact them doesn’t take long to get through either.

They referred us onto another service

September 1, 2023
They are good, didn’t take long to get through and they referred us onto another service and sorted us out. Often get sent to walk in centre or the A&E at children’s hospital.

I won’t be using them again

September 1, 2023
Ring them up 8pm and told them son wasn’t very well. Has autism, ADHD and they rang back at 4am and said take him to the GP in the morning. I won’t be using them again.

Normally give good advice

September 1, 2023
Alright, normally give good advice and send over to another service. They are good and always help.

It took 40 minutes for them to answer back

August 31, 2023
Called them because my neighbor had a high temperature and was feeling unwell. It took 40 minutes for them to answer the call before telling me to make an appointment for GP the next day and to take paracetamol to keep the temperature ay bay.

Gave really insightful advice.

August 30, 2023
Called when my daughter had a high temperature and cough. Couldn’t get an appointment with GP. He called and waited a while for them to answer. The person I spoke to was helpful and gave really insightful advice.

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NHS 111

NHS 111 is much more than a helpline – if you're worried about an urgent medical concern, you can call 111 to speak to a fully trained adviser.

Depending on the situation, the NHS 111 team can connect you to a nurse, emergency dentist or even a GP, and can arrange face-to-face appointments if they think you need one.

NHS 111 advisers can also assess if you need an ambulance and send one immediately if necessary.




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