Reviews (307)

Gave me information & let me know what to do

August 2, 2023
Used them to get information when I've been unable to get to speak to my GP. They were good and let me know what to do.

Referred onto walk in centre - great!

July 24, 2023
I called them for my granddaughter as she had hurt her foot and has hypermobility and I couldn't get her into the GP. The GP told me to call the NHS 111 and they referred her onto the walk in centre, which was great.

Very helpful

July 17, 2023
Son had toothache. Gave advice and what to do and booked a doctor appointments online for him. Very helpful.

Did not have a lot of options

July 14, 2023
Rang NHS111 for back pain. Was in bed , every time I got out of bed was painful to move. Rang 111 Initially they made an assessment. Doctor called and they referred me to badger clinic. They told me to come over but couldn’t move. They called paramedics and they made decision that they were not going to come but they did not tell me. 111 called me again and they said my only option was to go to the clinic. As a single mom during lockdown. Healthcare did not have a lot of options for me to be able to access care when I really needed it.
They said that I should take my children to hospital with me when I was ill or leave them with a neighbour I don’t know. If I was to leave them, they would have to notify social services. They advised this retrospectively.

Directed onto correct service

July 5, 2023
I rang them for my son and they didn't take long to answer. After explaining his symptoms they told me to ring for an ambulance, which I did.

Sometimes good / Sometimes not

July 4, 2023
Sometimes good. sometimes not, it depends on the problem can be a long process when more than one child is not well.

They are quite good.

July 4, 2023
When I can’t wait and really need an appointment I call 111 and they are quite good.

It’s a good service

June 20, 2023
It’s a good service will use it again.

Very informative

June 16, 2023
I didn't realise you could use it for information, I always thought you used them if the GP wasn't open. They were good when I last used them. They were very informative.

Helped us quickly

June 12, 2023
Called the NHS 111 for my daughter who helped us quickly and gave us a time slot to go the A&E department of the Children's Hospital.

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NHS 111

NHS 111 is much more than a helpline – if you're worried about an urgent medical concern, you can call 111 to speak to a fully trained adviser.

Depending on the situation, the NHS 111 team can connect you to a nurse, emergency dentist or even a GP, and can arrange face-to-face appointments if they think you need one.

NHS 111 advisers can also assess if you need an ambulance and send one immediately if necessary.




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