Reviews (307)

Son was misdiagnosed

August 30, 2023
It's normally okay but one time my son had Meningitis and they misdiagnosed him and told us to keep him at home and keep an eye on him for 24 hours. I was then told it was meningitis and he was in hospital for over a week.

They were good - advised to go A&E

August 30, 2023
I had covid so I called them. My daughter was 2 weeks old and they told me to take her straight to A&E to be monitored. They were good.

Advised us to go to A&E

August 30, 2023
Did call them for the baby, but in this case they advised us to go straight to A&E with him being so young and not feeding properly.

Didn't answer my question

August 17, 2023
I wanted to know the safe dose for anti allergy for my 8 years old son, I called them at 8pm and they replied back by 2am, 6 hours later in the middle of the night and left a voice mail that didn't answer my question.

They are helpful

August 15, 2023
To get appointments for kids they are a fair service. They usually direct us to walk in centers. They are helpful. I don’t wait long on the phone. I fill out the form and they are quick to respond.

They arranged for ambulance to come

August 15, 2023
Called for advice as he kept fitting and they said he would need to go to hospital. They arranged for ambulance to come.

Can take time to get through, but they help

August 7, 2023
I've used it a couple of times when I've needed to speak to someone or need help. It can take some time to get through but I get help for my children and that's what matters.

Very helpful, called back quickly

August 7, 2023
They're okay. I phoned about babies symptoms and they said to go straight to the hospital and he had sepsis. They were very good and very helpful. They called back quite quickly.

Thankful for a good service

August 7, 2023
They were good when I last used them. They always ask the right questions and give us options and advice. Thankful for such a good service.

Helpful when I need information

August 4, 2023
They've been helpful when I've needed them or information when the kids are sick. It can sometimes take a while to get through but they do help.

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NHS 111

NHS 111 is much more than a helpline – if you're worried about an urgent medical concern, you can call 111 to speak to a fully trained adviser.

Depending on the situation, the NHS 111 team can connect you to a nurse, emergency dentist or even a GP, and can arrange face-to-face appointments if they think you need one.

NHS 111 advisers can also assess if you need an ambulance and send one immediately if necessary.




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