Reviews (307)

Contact numbers did not work

May 12, 2023
I needed dental help so I called them. They gave me a couple of numbers as I was in agony and not registered to a dentist. When I called the numbers I was given there was no answer. Still looking for help now.

Waste of resources

May 9, 2023
Tried to contact my GP to get a prescription which ended up going straight to the pharmacy. They said they couldn't prescribe it without the doctor and said I had to call them. I ended up calling NHS 111 instead as the GP's lines were engaged and they were busy. When I got through to NHS 111 they said that because of my symptoms they would need to get the paramedics out to see me even though I said it was not needed. It was a waste of resources.

Some of the services can be far away

May 3, 2023
Sometimes they try to send me to far far places when I call them and need to go to a walk in centre. They are very good and helpful though.

Gave me reassurance

May 3, 2023
I used it for mom. They asked me lots of questions and then they transferred me over to the ambulance service. They were a good service and didn't take long to answer. They kept reassuring me.

Helpful but takes a long time

May 3, 2023
The service is really helpful but it can take a long time to get through.

Not very good

May 3, 2023
I've called them before and they said I am not an emergency and that I should call my doctor back. They're not very good, or helpful.

Recommended places to go, no appointment made

May 3, 2023
Called NHS 111 and when I spoke to the operator and told them my symptoms, they recommended 2 places. But no appointment was made for me.

Pretty straight forward

May 3, 2023
They were really good. They sent me to a walk in centre. You don't have to wait too long, you answer sone questions then they call back. It's all pretty straight forward.

Long wait so gave up

April 25, 2023
I phoned them at 3am and was told there would be a hour and a half wait to speak to someone, so I gave up. I haven't tried to use them again since.

Didn't take long to get through - helpful

April 24, 2023
They didn't take long to get through. They couldn't get me an appointment with the GP for some reason even though I was in severe pain and I needed someone. It was good and helpful.

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NHS 111

NHS 111 is much more than a helpline – if you're worried about an urgent medical concern, you can call 111 to speak to a fully trained adviser.

Depending on the situation, the NHS 111 team can connect you to a nurse, emergency dentist or even a GP, and can arrange face-to-face appointments if they think you need one.

NHS 111 advisers can also assess if you need an ambulance and send one immediately if necessary.




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