Reviews (307)

They are fine

January 26, 2023
They are fine and they get a GP to call me back.

It did work for her.

January 23, 2023
My daughter used it and they told her to go straight to A&E and it did work for her. She ended up having an assessment.

Don't get the help you need

December 30, 2022
Too long, I find that you're just hanging on the line because they're too busy. And you don't get the help that you need.

Don't think it works

December 28, 2022
Rubbish, they always just send you to hospital for anything. I just don't think it works. If you ring for some advice they tell you to go to hospital. It just feels like they're overstretching the hospitals.

They are good

December 23, 2022
They are good, absolutely useful and helpful, If I need access to help for a heath issue.

They are good

December 16, 2022
They are good, they do call back and send you to walk in clinic and the problem get sorted.

Got the help he needed from them

December 12, 2022
Used for my 7 years old grandson. Got the help he needed from them.

Call back took until the next day

December 12, 2022
I recently had to call 111 emergency service and was promised a referral to the Badger Clinic who didn't call back to the following day.

Direct me to health service

December 8, 2022
When I call, they just tell me to go to the Badger Clinic. They text me over an appointment time for the place and I go. Sometimes I don't think it's helpful. If I need a Nebuliser and they send me there, I know they're only going to send me to A&E.

Called for a dental issue

December 2, 2022
Called for a dental issue and was told to get in contact with Birmingham dental hospital to get treatment as could not afford cost of dental treatment. The line cut off and I didn’t bother again since lost the number.

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NHS 111

NHS 111 is much more than a helpline – if you're worried about an urgent medical concern, you can call 111 to speak to a fully trained adviser.

Depending on the situation, the NHS 111 team can connect you to a nurse, emergency dentist or even a GP, and can arrange face-to-face appointments if they think you need one.

NHS 111 advisers can also assess if you need an ambulance and send one immediately if necessary.




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