Reviews (307)

Very stressful

April 10, 2021
Very stressful to be honest. It was hard to work out the initial extent of the burn from the website description to look out for. So I called for more information. That wasn't a great experience. I felt that the nurse wasn't able to answer my concerns properly and then she offered me an appointment on the other side of the city. No clue as to geography. I had to terminate the call as it was stressing me out.

Not enough trained professionals

April 10, 2021
Having worked in care, and in a personal capacity I have had to call them many times. The waiting time for a professional to call back is always over an hour and during covid went up to 7 hrs at night. There are simply not enough trained professionals on this service. Could you make this a compulsory part of the final year of training of student doctors?

Very slow to get back to you

April 10, 2021
Very slow to get back to you. Had dental emergency and they took that long to get back to me by the time I answered dentists were closing and had to wait for next day.

8 hours for a call back

April 8, 2021
Last year I used this service for my 5 year old daughter who had tonsillitis I didn't have a call back for over 8 hours and they called at 11pm knowing we'd be in bed with a poorly 5 year old. I had to go to the walk in centre in the end for treatment on a Sunday this was prior to WMAS taking over and since they have the service is much improved

Really helpful

April 8, 2021
i've called twice and they've been really helpful, my sister has called them once and although the wait was quite long they did gel in the end

Called me an ambulance immediately

April 6, 2021
I called with a severe chest infection to ask if I should attend ED or the walk in centre and they called me an ambulance immediately.

Kind and understanding

April 3, 2021
I called them when I was worried for the safety of someone else. They arranged a welfare visit and were very kind and understanding

Very distressing experience

February 18, 2021
Very distressing experience on. The call responder did not take on board my problem, used an inappropriate tick list, was rude, and put the phone down. Did not listen when I tried to explain. Wished I'd not called but gone straight to A&E. Training in empathy for someone with an injury needed!

Waste of time and unreliable

February 18, 2021
My Brother told me to phone 111 first as he was in chronic pain with his kidney, I am a carer to my Mother who has Alzheimer's and Bedridden so can't be left. My Brother was doubled up with pain ,they said they have assessed him and told him to get to A&E within the next hour he told them of his situation he couldn't drive with pain and I couldn't take him "hence "couldn't leave Mom he said any chance of a Ambulance and they said No you will have to make your own way get a taxi it was 4 .00 am in the morning and we couldn't get hold of a taxi fortunately we managed to wake up my other Brother who lives 1/2 hour away he took my Brother to the hospital screaming in pain and left him at the hospital unable to go in with him my other Brother had to leave him we understand because of Covid but when my sick Brother was being transferred from one hospital to another by Ambulance the driver was appalled to hear what 111 had told him he said there would have been an Ambulance available and My Brother ended up having a serious operation on his kidney luckily he got to A&E in time to be given temporary treatment but it could have been far more serious because 111 would not Authorise an Ambulance. In future I personally will not be using this service as I found it to be a waste of time not only the Ambulance problem but the time it took for a qualified Nurse to ring us to tell us what we already knew ! Waste of time and unreliable. Further more the Ambulance driver doing hospital transfer told my Brother its a disgrace because at the time they told my Brother there wasn't a Ambulance available that Ambulance driver was called out to someone who had a headache not a serious kidney problem.
Jenny Turner

Not helpful at all.

September 25, 2020
I had a particularly bad experience last October. I am in my 60s and live alone, but despite the fact that I had suddenly been struck by severe dizziness (akin to being on fairground ride) which rendered me unable to get up off the floor and caused me to vomit profusely every time I tried to stand. I dialed NHS 111 and they were not helpful at all.

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NHS 111

NHS 111 is much more than a helpline – if you're worried about an urgent medical concern, you can call 111 to speak to a fully trained adviser.

Depending on the situation, the NHS 111 team can connect you to a nurse, emergency dentist or even a GP, and can arrange face-to-face appointments if they think you need one.

NHS 111 advisers can also assess if you need an ambulance and send one immediately if necessary.




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